Thursday, December 30, 2004

What I am Listening To At The Moment

Wow. That pretty much describes it for me. I am usually not one who enjoys celebrities who decide they should shove their musical aspirations down our throats.

But, I truly think that RDJ's foray is an exception to the rule. Now, I will NEVER, EVER own a Paris Hilton compilation or anything as absurd as that.........

I urge anyone who hasn't checked it out - - do it now.

I am in LOVE


The object of my affection? Tutti Dolci lip gloss. The Creme Brulee flavor, in fact. The scent is heavenly...and the flavor - - absolutely amazing. I can't put the stuff down - - I tried, I swear. I reach into my purse every ten minutes or so to put it back on.

On top of tasting great - it has some seriously strong mosturizers - some mango butter, etc.

I got mine for Christmas from my little sister. She bought them for me and my sisters-in-law. They got the Sugar Wafer and Angel Food Cake versions.

I am so enamored with them that I went back to Bath and Body Works tonight to buy the three-pack myself. Sadly, they were out of that - - but they had the singles. They had Lemon Meringue...but I am not a Lemon Girl. I decided to live on the edge and buy another Creme Brulee (I know, I know - but I am seriously considering stockpiling the stuff). I bought a Cinnamon Frosting version and a Chocolate Fondue flavor, too. I'll let ya know how those work out.

Wen I got in there - you could have knocked me over with a feather. They have PERFUME in those scents...and honey baths....and - - catch this - - Body Souffles. It took so much willpower for me not to buy everything in Creme Brulee I could find. It's just so decadent. A male buddy of mine got a taste of the Creme Brulee the other night (no you perverts.....I put a little bit of lip gloss from the tube onto his finger)....and he said with the way that tasted...well, I won't go there. Let's just say he's seriously considering the merits of wearing lip gloss....he just can't rationalize it since it would make his lips shiny.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


Congrats to Chris (the 'son' my mother is glad she never bestest guy friend in Abilene) and Emily (the sweetest, most wonderful woman...and the best thing to ever happen to Chris) on the birth of Ezekiel Christopher on Wednesday, December 15th.

I had been calling Chris every couple of days....and upon answering his phone, all I would say is, 'Baby?' which he would sigh and reply, "Not yet.....doc says any day now." I didn't get all the dish, 'cause Chris was sleep-deprived and slightly giddy.........

Seems Zeke decided to take his sweet time and cause his momma some discomfort...but he's here and we're all thrilled! Blessings to the new little family......and I am sure that Bella and Cameron (the dogs) will adjust just fine!

Friday, December 17, 2004

*crickets chirping*

Yeah...that's the sound you are hearing.....sorry I haven't posted in the last two and a half weeks. Apologies galore. Wait, noone reads this thing - so I guess it doesn't matter.

Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in little less than half an hour.......

Wait. Scratch that. I'm back to quoting lines from movies....

Let's see.....

  • I got a year older
  • My sis spent the weekend here
  • I love Rosemary Mint and Eucalyptus linen spray from the Fusion Factory
  • I got sick
  • I got a little better
  • My neighbor boy moved (darn you who is gonna scare away the baddies?)
  • I am taking applications for new neighbor boys/fellow chipotle lovers/fans of sick and twisted comedy
  • I got some Christmas shopping done
  • I didn't get enough shopping done
  • I got my new driver's license in (ugh)
  • I went home and helped cater all last weekend
  • I finished all of the planning for the company holiday luncheon and it was held today

And Jerilyn gazed upon her world and said, "It is Good."

Not really, but I made it through another week.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Now THIS is why I love DFW.....

Bright and early this morning, I found myself shopping at Ann Taylor. EARLY - - as in 7:30 - - that is A.M., people. This coming from the girl who cherishes every moment of sleep she can get, and squeezes an additional six minutes of sleep in after slamming the snooze button on the alarm. Then six more minutes of precious slumber after a second battle with the snooze button....and while at it, yet another six nauseum. You get the picture.

But this morning's opportunity was too good to pass up. Being in HR has its perks - as in vendors who make sure to deliver the swag around holiday time. Said vendor (who shall remain nameless) arranged for Ann Taylor to open early for a group of HR professionals. Special thanks to Ann Taylor for the 15% discount on my purchases and to the vendor for caffeine and the additional inducement to shop (in the form of gift me the money, baby!).

I went in, firmly repeating the following statement in my serious voice, "I will NOT purchase anything.....I WILL not purchase anything....I WILL NOT purchase anything.....I will not purchase ANYTHING."

I did not purchase ANYTHING. (Ok, I did buy things...but not just ANYTHING. But that is how I am rationalizing my shopping spree. Well, not spree.....just a minor shopping spurt.)

I was drawn to one outfit and orbited around it......a stunning hand-knit, hip-length ivory cashmere turtleneck with a pair of gorgeous ivory pants. The outfit was topped off with a beautiful winter white cashmere/wool blend overcoat. A beautiful ivory cashmere wrap was draped over the shoulders, held in place with an eye-catching gold and pearl brooch. A jaunty angora hat added the final, perfect touch.

I did the math in my head quickly - trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. I had to take a moment to compose myself so that I did not fall over in a dead faint. Ready? Try $818.00...and that is before tax.

Oh, well. I guess I can always be proud of the fashion sense I do have. Some consolation prize, huh? There was no way I was going to drop that kind of money on an immaculate outfit that would inevitably get dirty within 60 seconds of me putting it on for the first time. (Deep sigh)

I did well for myself, though. My initial pick was a knee-length navy boucle skirt....cute and professional. Then I saw the matching jacket. I couldn't take one home and leave the other to languish....and I just couldn't make myself buy both. So - the skirt went back on the rack.

Next thing I seriously considered was a black angora wrap sweater. But, in the end.....I didn't like the length and realized that I would have to wear something beneath it unless I was willing to show off more of my assets than I am comfortable displaying. (The infamous black top I bought a couple of weeks ago has been retired for that very reason - so if you didn't see it on it's one memorable night out - then you're outta luck.)

Well, I did fall in love with an ivory v-neck angora sweater....absolutely beautiful. It was whispering to me...softly at first. Then it got pretty darn insistent. It WAS going to come home with me.

Then I heard the call of a beautiful off-white wool blend with grey satin ribbon fringe. It practically jumped off the table into my hands and curled itself securely around the sweater. I have to say, it was quite ingenious in doing so - - it knew it belonged there.

As I was heading towards the register....I heard a tiny whimper from the shoe rack. I had to go over there. Anyone who knows me well is aware of my desire to ensure that every pair of shoes on earth finds a loving family. I am proud to declare that I support shoe was no exception. An adorable pair of black mules with a tiny 2 1/2 inch heel followed me to the register.

The damage? The sweater was only $80.00........the scarf was originally $100.00, but on sale for $50.....and the shoes? I am so proud of them. They had an original price of $100.00, but proudly presented themselves with a $30.00 price tag.

Add in my two $25 gift cards....and the $280.00 'shopping spurt' set me back less than $100!!! Yay! Happy Early Birthday to me!

Happy Turkey Day

What? It's November 30th? Oh, yeah...guess so. Thanksgiving was last week - and I escaped the world of technology and went back to the farm. Wow...that sounds so country.

I went mom, dad, my sibs....etc. But, we don't have 'Thanksgiving' in the traditional sense. We have a catering Thanksgiving was a whirlwind of activity....we catered dinner for one of the college football's been a tradition for us since my little brother played for them. These kids, after making the playoffs, can't leave and go home for the holiday. So, we bring the holiday to them. Traditional turkey and dressing...the whole nine yards. It's fun......these kids love it. And, in the past few years, some parents have made the decision to sacrifice their traditional Thanksgiving dinner and travel to be with their children.......and we love having them there.

I finally got to my grandparent's house at about 3pm. Celebrated Thanksgiving with my them and spent time with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Then, at 5pm, I made it to my home. And had a late dinner with my sibs and their assorted significant others and my nephews. And we celebrated our birthdays. Yes, I said 'birthdays'. My two brothers and I all have birthdays within one week of each other. So, we had a little birthday party all together. I wasn't expecting it, really...but it was fun.

My mom gets major me a cute pair of jeans with a flirty pearl and satin belt and a gorgeous pink scoop-necked sweater trimmed with rabbit fur (sorry PETA).

My little sis gave me the most gorgeous sheer silk beaded poncho. Gorgeous - it goes great with jeans...can't wait to wear it out. Always love getting pretty new clothes!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Don't need nothin' but a good time

Last night was fun. Really - it was. And props to my friends and I because we did something fun that actually benefitted a good cause.

Last night, at the Resistol Arena in Mesquite, we attended the 3rd Annual Guns and Hoses Boxing Tournament, benefitting the Guns and Hoses Foundation - which helps support a number of worthy charities in the metroplex, as well as the creation of a benevolent fund for the families of police officers and firefighters killed while in the line of duty.

We were a part of the SMU Police Department group. Yeah, I know I don't work for them and have no affiliation with them...but I have friends who work there - - Patty and Wendy. Their chief bought box tickets and they asked if we wanted to attend with them.

It was quite fun. Very entertaining. I could have done without the Coyote Ugly girls dancing in the ring between bouts....but that's just me. Especially since a couple of them had limited rhythm to begin with. I can pinpoint the reasons for their inclusion in the squad - blond, boobs and booty. That sums it up. By far, the most talented and most attractive one (according to both my buddy and I) was a dark haired one named 'Jonesy'. The girl actually had some curves on her - and some moves - - as well as more personality than the other four put together. So, thumbs up to Jonesy....the only one I liked.

The boxing was interesting. I had never been to a boxing tournament (I am not counting the frequent bouts that occurred between my sibs and I growing up) and I was curious to see if I was actually going to enjoy it. On TV, it doesn't appeal to me. Live, though? Yeah...watching boxing live is actually fun.

All fighters were amateurs, and members of the fire or police departments in cities around the metroplex. There were some good fights (the Dallas PD rookie who gave a serious beat down to a poor firefighter - - drew blood almost instantly - - and had the match called in his favor at the beginning of the second round because his opponent was pretty incoherent by that point) to the match we dubbed 'Butterbean 1 vs Butterbean 2'. The only match I didn't like was their 'title' match between a 56 year old police officer and a 66 year old retired firefighter turned actor. The 66 year old seemed to turn his ankle at the beginning and went down numerous times. I wanted the 56 year old police officer to call off -- but he didn't.

Anyway - afterwards, eleven of us went to Ozona and had a late dinner ( in midnight) and sat around and shot the breeze. The only thing I hate about hitting a place like that late on a Saturday night is the drunks who obviously need to be at home, but who insist on remaining in public. One intoxicated idiot was throwing chairs over on the far side of the patio - then came over to where we were and and started giving crap to a guy at a table behind ours. Next thing you know, the drunk had a bloody nose, the waitstaff were out trying to diffuse a highly tense situation and a girl was screaming that she was 'calling the cops'. he he he Funny, ya know - since half of our table carry badges and some carry weapons (at last count, no one sans badge is in possession of a firearm).

Well, I must wrap up now. Need to get some laundry done. Went shopping for jeans - walked in and bought the same style and size I always do - - - only to get home and find that they're too loose. Nice problem to have - so gonna try to shrink 'em!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I mean....I always wanted to be a princess....

But.... TWO CROWNS? (of the dental type.....)

Yes, I am the proud recipient of two crowns....temporary ones. I have to wait until December 7 to get the permanent ones. I was not prepared for how badly my mouth hurt.....and I woke up this morning after a fitful hour of sleep and realized I was in more pain than I was the day before.

So, today was my first sick day....five months on the job....I was wanting to make it a full year with no sick days. But I couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain in my mouth. Some medication...and I slept all day long. I woke up at 6pm. Mouth still hurts, but not as badly.

I am awake now...and cooking a turkey. I know it is not Thanksgiving yet. But I am finally a little hungry - - and I want turkey. So, there is a 16lb turkey in my oven, browning to perfection. I am gonna take it to work. It's the least I can do after abandoning them today.

Monday, November 15, 2004


I would have to say that Sunday afternoon and evening could be classified as 'a good time was had by all'.

Late lunch at Hooters with Ben and Mike and Tonya. It was pretty cold, and drizzling outside...but that didn't stop me from having tons of iced tea. I was one cold little person by the the time we all headed out. It's time to retire the flip-flops. Darn it....and they are sooooo comfortable.

Headed to the store with Ben, picking up the items necessary to make some homemade fudge. I don't know what it is about this weather....but I get the irresistable urge to 'nest' and cook.....totally turn into a domestic goddess. Laundry meets its match, I light spiced-scented candles and I get serious about kitchen-related tasks.

I finally operated my dishwasher for the first time on Sunday. Or, I should say....I turned it on and then ran for cover. It sounded like it was about to achieve escape velocity and shoot upwards, never to be seen again. Gotta love appliances in apartment complexes. Hope my neighbors weren't planning on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Anyway - I made some pretty darn good fudge. I took it to work today - and it was all gone within a couple of hours. I was chewed out by a few of the women...for bringing something chocolate to the office. Seems we all have that kind of chocolate craving...we can't pass it up.

Ben made turtle brownies. I am liking this neighbor thing. It's nice to show up at a neighbor's door to borrow the proverbial 'cup of sugar'. In our case, Ben needed vegetable oil...and I needed unsalted butter.

Went to see 'After the Sunset' last night with Ben, Mike, Tonya and Joe. I wasn't expecting much out of the movie. I was pleasantly surprised because I did have such low expectations. It was actually ok. Two and a half stars on the Freeman Review. There were some funny one-liners....and the obligatory two men in a bed scene. I can't say that I am a Pierce Brosnan fan....he's getting old - and furry. Not my style. But Woody Harrelson is still cute in a mischievous way. And - the boys sure do like Selma Hayek.

Ok...I am through rambling. I am thinking tonight is the perfect night to break in the fireplace. I am off to get some flammable material!

Saturday, November 06, 2004


I am a summer girl. I like nothing more than 95-degree weather...putting the top down on my convertible..and hitting the road. God bless sunburned noses and excellent driving music.

So, this 'changing of the seasons' thing is really not working for me. Forty-four flippin' degrees? Huh-uh, no way. My toes start shivering if it drops below seventy-five. This chica does not like being cold. Period. End of discussion.

Okay - so there are some good things about the weather being roaring fires in the fireplace, cuddling up with The Special Someone and enjoying a relaxing evening. Hold on.....what is this? What do you mean I have no Special Someone? Darn...I knew I was missing part of that equation. Even more reason to dislike the cold weather.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Remember those protecting us today...

Just a quick note to say "Hello" and "Thank You" to those servicemen and servicewomen across the world tonight.

I have a number of good friends in the military - scattered to the four winds.

To Eric, in England....I still have your copy of Amadeus. Sue me. Just kidding. I promise to mail it to you, as soon as I get your address. Hope you're having fun pulling European trim. It was fun running around this summer in my convertible, listening to good radio.

To Bob in friend. Thanks for the words of encouragement. You're a blast!

To Jeremy, also playing in the world's largest little 'metro'. You were a great friend back in Abilene. Sorry about it being so tough for us to hang out....but thanks for helping rescue the felines, buddy. Get your butt home, soon. We need a Pier 1 trip......Tuscan Herb candles. Joe's Pizza and Pasta. Sounds like a plan to me.

There are many more friends....and I will address each in turn!

So...for those of you comfortable and safe in your homes tonight....say a little prayer for people like my friends here, who protect you day and night.

If you're from Bangs....I don't like you any longer

Ok....I gave my convertible to my mother. That's common knowledge now. let my 24 year old sister take it to Brownwood, where my brother lives. brother coaches for Early. Early played Bangs. Big rivalry.

The casualty? My Sebring. sister parked it in front of my brother's house. So, it was the target of idiots out egging.

How did I find out? I called my sis to catch up on Saturday...and she asked in a really meek little voice, 'Have you talked to mom or dad yet?'

'No,' I responded.

'Well, don't freak out......' she warned me.......(don't freak out? Don't Freak Out? FREAK OUT? ME? WHAT? FREAK? ME FREAK OUT?!?!?!?!?)

After prodding her for a couple of minutes...she relayed the egging incident...but quickly added, 'We got it all cleaned up.'

Then a really terrifying thought occurred to me......'Um, you didn't....please tell me that you...' I couldn't bring myself to even ask.

'Yeah, ' she responded. 'I left the top down.'

YOU LEFT THE TOP DOWN? Ok......thank goodness the filter between my mind and mouth was in good working order..otherwise Sister Feud IV would have been in full swing. But, still......the interior of my convertible was was the exterior.

I calmed down gradually...and even managed NOT to cry. I am a little bit proud of that.
It looks like the car will be has been detailed...and hopefully there will be no ongoing issues or problems due to the incident.

Oh, but if you're from Bangs.....and you have been egging might want to watch out for one seriously upset woman in a Chevy Avalanche. You've been warned.

Monday, October 25, 2004

In your eyes..the light, the your - - - WHAT?

Ok. I love the Peter Gabriel song "In Your Eyes". That's no secret....neither is my intention to marry John Cusack the second he shows up outside my home, raising a boombox above his head, blasting that song for me..................oh, sorry - lost my train of thought there. I'm back now, fully present.

Anyway, was sitting over at Ben's house on Saturday night - - watching the first game of the World Series. I have to admit this - I didn't even show up until the seventh inning. Sorry. I had other things to do...and I am just not a fan of the Red Sox...and definitely not a Cards fan, either. I was cleaning my house. It needed it.

Well....I watched the last two innings at casa de Ben-ha-meanie. At the end of the game, when things were being wrapped up, Ben said, "Hey, do you hear that?" and we all got quiet and turned to the tube. Sure enough. There was my song. At least, the lyrics....and I could somewhat recognize the melody. BUT, there was something seriously wrong with my song. Unless Peter Gabriel has decided to revisit his old standard.

Nope. Turns out it is SR-71. I finally went and downloaded it (legally, thank you very much) and listened to it a few times....trying to see if the new version is simply an acquired taste. Not so much. I tried...I really did. I mean...two rounds of Korn's cover of Cameo's 'Word Up' and I was mouthing the words and bobbing my head while driving down the road (yeah....that was me, I am not too proud to admit it.)

But, no matter how much I try, I can't seem to develop a liking for SR-71's version of 'In Your Eyes'. That's one that I just don't think you CAN improve on.

But, I will have to say this...and I am embarassed to have to admit it. I wasn't familiar with the 'Tessie' tradition until Saturday night. My friends introduced me to the Dropkick Murphys' version that night......and I learned the lore behind it. And, I just rolled on the floor when they started playing it after the game.

Man...I just love the World Series...if only for the entertainment on the fringe.

Friday, October 15, 2004

The world has lost a great man.....

I haven't blogged on this yet.....but I was truly shocked and saddened when I learned of the death of Dr. Charles Trevathan. Dr. Trevathan.....or 'Dr. T'.....was a wonderful professor and a great Christian man.

He was hard, but fair.....brilliant, but extremely grounded.

To Phyllis and the girls, all I can say is...

My life has forever been altered in the most wonderful way because of Dr. Trevathan.

And, for anyone who might read this and either remember him or want to learn of this man's wonderful life and how he affected so many in such a way, please visit the page created to honor his memory by ACU.

Blessings to the Trevathan family, and the extended family of faculty, staff and students at Abilene Christian University.

Just call me crash......

I knew it was coming...yep. You know how it get a new car. You love it. You just can't get enough of the 'new-ness' of it.

Then you get your first little ding. The honeymoon's over.

Except, in my case....this isn't just a 'ding'. It's a whopping crack in the right side of the front bumper. How did I do this, you ask? Why, it was simple.

Take one frazzled girl, running a little late for work.
Add one mocha frappuchino (for the extra caffeine 'jitters')
and..while you're at it....a dash of a nice, yellow barricade-type pole.

Yellow pole - 1
Avalanche - 0

Ok, not so much of a big deal...I didn't hit it as much as I gave it a little 'kiss' while pulling into my parking spot at work. But, the manager of the North Texas Region was out there, and saw it happen. I think I fulfilled my job duties for the day by being a dose of comic relief. My work here is done, I thought. I can go home now.

For those of you who have driven an Avalanche - you understand what I am talking about. They don't exactly corner like they are on rails. I THOUGHT I had enough clearance to whip it into the open space.....but I guess I was still in Chrysler Sebring mode. (Must remind self what vehicle I am compensate for manueverability.)

I called my dad, who made the appropriate sympathetic noises and asked the dad-standard questions?

'How much is your deductible?'
'Have you gotten an estimate?'
'How bad is it?'
'Does it really need to be replaced, or can it be fixed?'
All the while, I can see the little fluffy bubble above his head....thoughts of relief....because he is no longer financially responsible for my auto escapades.

Anyway - DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS TO REPLACE THAT STUPID PLASTIC BUMPER? Try about $600.00.......yes.....six HUNDRED dollars. I kinda felt like the estimator was pulling a Dr. Evil on me...I was just waiting for the obligatory pinkie flip and the 'Muah ha ha ha!' that I KNEW was coming. No luck.

So, no more mocha frappuchinos for this chick. Well, not in the morning. Well, not on work mornings. Um, not on work mornings when I might be cutting it close because I stopped for a mocha frappuchino. Hmmm, let's just forget it. I'm still gonna get 'em.

While I grouse about this, there are bigger and more important things going on around this little rock we call Earth.

Roscoe's Homecoming is this weekend. Headed home to catch up...and work. Catering with the fam. Quality time, you know. Headed to the airport to pick someone up in a few...who is going to take the Sebring home for mom to drive for a while. You know you have finally come full circle when you give your mom your extra car to drive...instead of vice versa. Ponder that for a moment. I am handing over a 2004 Chrysler Sebring LXi my mother. I mean, mom and dad gave me my first car back in 1993...a 1989 Beretta GT.......

I think I am doing 'em one better. What a good child I am!

Actually, let's not say that. We won't go into my Andretti-style driving or the numerous cars I went through between the ages of 14 (yes, I was driving at 14) and the glorious day when I finally bought my first car, on my own...with no financial backing from the padre and madre. and dad? Let's call it even.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Well, my move is finally done! I decided to settle in Irving. It satisfied my basic requirements for housing, which were - in order of importance:

  1. Proximity to a Chipotle or Freebirds (I got the Chipotle....there are more of them around than Freebirds...though Freebirds will always be my favorite).
  2. Commute of under 30 minutes. My old commute was about an hour and twenty minutes on a GOOD morning.....and I can make it to work from my new place in under 30 minutes...even in the monsoon we had this morning.
  3. Big neighbor boy to scare away the baddies....(HI Ben). Ok, not to scare away the baddies...but to keep me company when I decide I have had enough solitary reflection.

My apartment is in a different building than Ben's...but we can both walk out on our patios and converse, if we speak pretty loudly. Plus - it's nice to know there is someone there you know. On the other hand, we both have had to agree to be careful of one another's need for space. (As I write this, I laugh because it makes us sound like some old married couple....and we are just buddies..nothing more. Now - we can have knock-down, drag out fights....but we're pretty much Mutt and and Jeri. And, yes....we have considered being 'Ben and Jerry' for Halloween.)

Speaking of Halloween.....I still have to cement my costume idea. It looks as though the party is a pirate-themed festivity. Darn it...I don't even look marginally attractive as a wench. I was truly hoping to get it all together to be Medusa, finally. The little rubber snakes woven through my hair....all that jazz. Somehow don't think it will mesh with the pirate thing. Guess I will just go and dress as a pirate. But, there is a part of me who likes to take a theme and run with it in the weirdest direction.....Pirate....Captain Hook.....Peter Pan....The Lost Boys, Tink, Wendy....yeah...I'll be Wendy. That way people just THINK I didn't get the theme......ha ha.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Take Me Out to the Ballgame.....I am SPOILED....SPOILED...SPOILED now!

Talk about learning how the 'other half' lives.
We have been doing a conversion to a new HR system at work, and I have put in some massive hours. (As opposed to miniature ones, I guess.)

My CFO walked into my office and mentioned some Rangers tickets and asked if I might like to go. (Was there ever a question?)

So, yesterday I found myself at The Ballpark in Arlington (I will NEVER call it by its other name), watching Texas take on Anaheim in the final regular season home game. Yes, I am well aware that the Rangers' loss the previous night eliminated them from post-season consideration. Yes, I know the game 'meant nothing' in the big scheme of things, per se. But, it meant a lot to me.

These weren't just any tickets. No, siree. We're talking lower level luxury suite. As in, 'There's a private bathroom in this thing!' The suite belongs to Wells Fargo and Mike graciously offered them to my company....and my CFO graciously offered them to me. (Mike and Craig have no idea how much I truly appreciate it. Seriously - I was exhausted from the conversion and needed the pure joy one can only experience at a major sporting event.)

The luxury suite was situated on the 1st base side....a little over a third of the way down the baseline. I had a great view of the field and crowd. We were directly above the Rangers dugout and were situated just so that we could see activity going on in the bullpens.

I wandered back and forth from the bar (getting a hot dog, YAY!) to the seating area and settled in the front row of suite seats, bracing my feet against the retainer wall in front of me, wiggling my toes in the comfortable 83-degree air.

I am a fan of evening games...but there was something so liberating, so 'bad' about being away from work and relaxing at The Ballpark right after lunch. Especially when the seats are free. And there were the occasional glances from fans around us.... I have done it before, too......checked out the people in the luxury boxes. I recognized those looks. You know what I mean, right? It felt a little weird to be in one of the boxes...I wanted to stand up and shout - "I'm just like you, too! I'm only here because I was given the tickets!" Kinda felt a little elitist...but I got over it. The game was great, and it was wonderful to end the last home series on a high note.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

AV-A-LANCHE.....say it with me one time.... that I am plugged back into the information superhighway (sorry...I decided to forsake technology this weekend and finally clear out the townhouse in Abilene) I shall wax philosophic about my new 'baby'.......the 2002 Chevy Avalanche Z66 I picked up on Friday.

Yes, it shall get a name...but I can't decide if it is male or female.....leaning toward female.....because it is such a HOT vehicle. Love it. Absolutely love it. It is a color called 'Pewter' (aka 'Yay! It's already light brown so when it gets dirty it won't look as dirty as it could look!')

(Yes, I have always named all of my vehicles...starting with the 1989 White 'Baby Retta' Beretta GT...and ending, most recently, with the 2004 Chrysler Sebring LXi convertible...Trixie. I have had Elroy, Penelope, The Demon, the G-Ride, and the Hoopty Car. Wow...I have had quite a few vehicles.)

Yes, I still have the convertible...I am not getting rid of Trixie right now. Still love her toooo much. But, anytime I need to feel tougher than the rest of the world, I am gonna climb into my new baby and drive. My best friend's husband told me that all I needed was a brushguard on the front and I can run over anything that I want.

It felt nice to be back in a pickup.....I mean, I AM a transplanted West Texas farm girl.

I took the truck to Abilene this weekend. Correction. I took it to Eastland....met dad there at the Longhorn/Maverick football game. Jake was coaching....gotta see a couple of his games each season. Dad took the Avalanche from Eastland to Abilene. Dad and I had dinner/breakfast at midnight and he gave my Avalanche back to me. I just love getting into a vehicle after dad has been driving it. It's so cold it is almost arctic. He likes his air conditioning.....I have fond memories of being frozen out on the way home from places as a kid. Nothing like cold fingers and toes to remind you of the good ol' days.

Todd and I spent some time together this weekend...on Saturday night and on Sunday. It is really comforting to know that we can be really close friends. I was afraid that it would be too painful...or awkward.....but we get along much better now that we are divorced. But, he's jealous about my new truck. He reminded me that a scant three years ago he wanted an Avalanche badly, and I annouced they were the ugliest things I have ever seen.'s right.....I thought that way before. But I like 'em now. Especially since I own one. Dad calls it my 'Tonka Truck'...and that is exactly what it is...a big kid's toy. I am in heaven.

So, if you frequent 183 between Ft. Worth and careful...and watch out for me...especially since what I am driving now is three times the size of my convertible. You have been warned!

Friday, September 17, 2004

What Would Jesus Drive?

For MY money - I say he'd drive a Chevy Avalanche. (Just got mine today...whoo hoo!)

It's 'HOOKAH', buddy....not hooker.

Well...once again, I should be whipped mercilessly for not updating during the week. But, this has been a wild week.

My little sister came into town on Saturday....and wanted a 'Dallas Experience'. (Come on....we're from West Texas.....and just driving on 75 is a 'Dallas Experience').

Of course, we had to start out with a visit to Hooters. She loves the fried pickles. She and I and Ben and Kevin spent some time there, watching the Longhorns (gag) play and just enjoying the camraderie. Then, the real fun began.....

We left Hooters in Irving and drove up to The Velvet Hookah in Addison. All I can say is......I am going to decorate my bedroom so that it resembles that place. Talk about relaxation and comfort. Kick your shoes off...sit on soft cushions ont he floor. Enjoy the (very) dim lights and the scents...

The DJ was awesome...spinning across genres. The bellydancer there was pretty cool, too. Um, well...yeah...except for the sword....I kept waiting for someone to get an accidental laceration. I heard that she used to dance with fire...but one member of our group stated that they took that away from her because she almost burned down the joint. (I noticed quite a few telltale scorch-marks on the floor).

Needless to say, I loved that place...we stayed until a little after 1am...then we all hit Denny's and had breakfast. And Tonya rocks for helping that precious drunk girl (HI MICHELLE!!!).

Friday, September 10, 2004

Trying to fit the world inside a picture frame.....

I have been feeling rather nostalgic lately - quite possibly because I am about to (finally!) be done with my move to DFW. I was struck with some overwhelming sadness last weekend when I was in Abilene.....having dinner with my parents, my little sis...and another couple (family friends).

The family friends had driven in from Coppell.....they moved there from my hometown a few years ago. My younger sister is in retail management, and is no longer the annoying little pest she was in the good old days. (I take that back..she still has her moments).

But - in the midst of lively dinner conversation, it struck me that I was seeing all of these people with new eyes. When you see people in and out, every grow comfortable with them....things are broken in. For some strange reason, it hit me that everything has longer am I in the safe, little cocoon that has been my life for the past ten years.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my life...I think. But I am a sentimental girl....I like my memories....and I catalog them in my mind. I take them out and flip through them when I am feeling down, or wistful....or when I am bored...or missing someone.

I was listening to John Mayer the other evening on my way home from a shopping trip with the roommate....and I had him listen to "3X5". I love that song. The lyrics in the bridge actually make a lot of sense:

"Today I finally overcame
trying to fit the world
inside a picture frame"

Pretty interesting verbiage.....I like it. I think I am going to commit to living that way from now on.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004 of the boys

I cannot begin to tell you how much I have missed just being 'one of the boys'.

Wait, you say - - "Aren't you female?"

Why, as a matter of fact, last time I checked, I was...and I am pretty sure - hold on - yep, still a girl. But, I like nothing more than hanging out with the boys. I have always gotten along better with males than I have with females. Chalk it up to being a semi-tomboy growing up. Guys are just more fun to hang out with. My day is not made with four hours of shopping and cucumber sandwiches at a local tearoom. Give me a Cowboys game and a trip to Hooters. I am not as concerned with scheduling a repeat manicure and pedicure.......give me a card game and some locker-room humor. Nothing is better on a Sunday afternoon than cooking chili for a group of guy friends and watching the Cowboys play. Boys are just less complicated. Girls are entirely too competitive for my tastes - who has the better hair, shoes, boyfriend.....guys could not care less. I know that my guy friends don't mind if I just roll out of bed and show up in jeans and a t-shirt, or if I spent two hours primping in front of the mirror. It's all the same to them. And, no it isn't an angle to get a date......these are my 'boys'.....and they don't fall under that type of consideration at any time.

Last night was a perfect example. I met up with Ben and Mike at about 5:30 at Ben's place of business. We shot the breeze, joked around and enjoyed what was turning into a beautiful evening outside. Geoff joined us right around 6:35 or so, and we all piled in Geoff's vehicle for the short ride to The Ballpark.

We had tickets for the Rangers/White Sox game last night. Yes, finally I made it to the Ballpark for an actual game this season, instead of making it up there after the game ended....or just watching the game at home.

We parked quite a distance from the Ballpark, and trudged through the grass, scattering grasshoppers and assorted other insects.....we joked and ribbed one another.....we stared at what is arguably the most beautiful major league park in existence today.

We sat at the top of the second deck, right against the Fox Box, and thoroughly enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells that are inherently a part of a September night in baseball. That little bit of a breeze that carries snippets of conversations from the next section over.....the kids decked out as replicas of their heros below. The stands were not crowded, the fans were enjoying themselves......realizing that the next few weeks will not bring the result they wanted, but still proud of the team they support.

We had a baseball 'virgin' in our midst. I will not disclose his identity, except to say that - for not EVER being to a major league game, he performed very well. Except for when he leaned over and asked, 'Can ya steal first?' I thought he was kidding.....then I realized he was as serious as a heart attack. So, I replied, 'Sure - after the game, if you can get out there before they pull the bags.'

Anyway, it was fun - being one of the boys again. Because, as much as I gripe about men...most of my favorite people on earth just happen to be male. So, viva men! (As long as I don't have to date any of them right now!)

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I didn't crash your convention.....don't crash mine.

Michael 'Moron' Moore - - - I don't think I would shed a tear if you disappeared. 'Nuff said.

It's 10:00pm and I don't have much I feel like saying tonight.....I am tired. That about sums it up. Life is great. My new laptop is a blast. I know it is supposed to be a 'tool'...but it's mostly a toy right now, while I am gleefully discovering all the neat bells and whistles that go along with it.

OH-and you gotta love work when you have a shared MP3 drive. Yes...a shared drive at we can all access while working. And, it is actually decent music. Some Judas Priest, Kenny Chesney, Ludacris, Sara Evans, Aerosmith, Jimmy Buffett.....the list goes on and on. They need some Dashboard Confessional, though..and some Reverend Horton Heat. I shall share the love.

Oh, and I watched my first movie on my laptop....Fight Club. Nothing like breaking in a new computer with that bad boy, huh?

Friday, August 27, 2004

Fried Pickles

This post only exists to annoy my sis, Joni.

I went to Hooters and had fried pickles. So there. (She loves fried pickles from Hooters....but she is approximately 2 1/2 hours from the nearest I love to rub it in when I get to go there.) Dan and I sat there and watched football and unwound from the daily grind of TPS reports.

And, there was the cutest kid there, celebrating his 5th birthday. Absolutely adorable...and that boy was in heaven, because those waitresses were making the biggest fuss over him.

Where else can you expose your kid to booze and boobs at such a young age?

Thursday, August 26, 2004

'Piss off a Democrat....Work Hard and Be Happy'

I saw the quote above on a bumper sticker, while spending the weekend in Austin with a liberal ex-friend of mine. (Why 'ex' you ask? Believe me, you don't want to know. It just about takes an act of God to make me banish someone from my life....but this person took the cake).

Anyway, is anyone else tired of the liberal leftist whining? It's not even remotely amusing any longer. It used to be that I could muster the occasional giggle at an out-and-out rant.....but,'s getting pathetic. EVEN from my avowed liberal friends! Hopefully, the 'Demon-crats' (or 'Demon-brats' as they are affectionately known around my household) can muster up some more entertainment. That's what they are there for - - (Yes, slam me, call me whatever you want. If you don't like what I say...start your own darn blog.)

Just remember....The Road to Hell is Paved with Democrats.

Much love and chocolate!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Extra Crispy, Please

Will someone please tell me why I continue to tan? I voluntarily subject myself to harmful UV rays just so that my pigmentation might resemble that of a ghost just slightly less than it does now.

Of course, my dermis rebels, and I come out looking like my favorite Veggie Tale character (and if you don't know which one that is...just ask)

Anyway - - two weeks in...and I am developing a nice color. Yes, RED is a color.

Let's see..what's on tap for this week? Work, work work....a Rangers, work, work...and hopefully a movie. Oh, yeah...and then some more work.

In love with the Sari bedding from Bed, Bath and Beyond...but will have to sell my firstborn in order to get it. I have saved up enough..but can't seem to convince myself that it truly is a good idea to spend over $700 to outfit my bed. Sorry - but my bed doesn't need to dress better than I do.

There is also something oddly appealing about the Modern Romance bedding set by Nicole Miller. I think it is just a little too austere for me.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Warning Labels

Have you ever wished that people came with warning labels? Seriously - like 'Pathological Liar and Remorseless Cheater' (yes, you know who you are...and may God have mercy on your rotting black soul, buddy!)

Then again, I would hate to see what mine said...(Non-Committal Social Butterfly? Best of Intentions, with no Follow-Through?)

Still, if I could tattoo a warning label on one particular person's head, to warn the general population, I would do it in a heartbeat.......

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Why must I go through three Mondays this week? I think God owes me a couple of Saturdays for the week I have been having.

Let's see....I went back to Abilene on Sunday (left Ft. Worth at 6:30am on Sunday, to be exact) to pack up the remainder of my large furniture so that it could be hauled here to the DFW area in a UHaul moving truck.

(Note to self: NEVER make moving arrangements with friends...and never let them take your furniture with promises to have it delivered 'that afternoon'. My dining room chairs are scratched and nicked horribly...and my friends aren't the least bit concerned. I am upset. Wait...let me rephrase that...I am UPSET. I just bought that furniture less than a year ago. Somehow it made it through two moves with me with NO blemishes...but the one time I entrust it to arrives looking like I picked it up secondhand at a Goodwill store. Plus - my friend is put out with me....all because he didn't plan ahead. Long story, no use in rehashing it. I just know that next time the words 'professional movers' will be in my vocabulary. At least you can expect them to take care of your furniture - - or to at least carry insurance to cover damage they cause.)

Anyway. That was Sunday.......but it felt like a Monday.

Monday can simply be labeled one of the top five bad days I have ever had in my life. It ranks right up there. The divorce became final at 9:30am. I sat in a courtroom, with only a judge, a bailiff and a court reporter. I felt so abandoned and ashamed.....not a part of the establishment....and not really wanting to be there or to be going through the machinations of the divorce machine. I cried. Yes...on the stand, I cried. I just wanted out of there so badly. Why were there so many questions? I didn't want to answer questions....I just wanted someone to stamp the pieces of paper and let me get on with my life. My ex-husband couldn't be bothered to show up, or take care of any of it. It's sad...the person who truly wanted the divorce couldn't screw up the courage or take any responsibility for getting it done.

But it is done.

And, today is shaping up to be yet another Monday.....

Now I am back in the DFW area, starting to lay out the pieces of my life.....trying to fit them here and there, to find some semblance....some meaning. I am looking at a 1,000 piece puzzle with no picture for a guide, and trying to find which notch matches which groove. isn't a rectangular border that I can work within......

Friday, June 11, 2004

Things are going a frightening way. You know what I mean. Life is a point. Well, except for unemployment (at first by choice, I assure you), an ultra-competitive job market and the annoying chip in my otherwise immaculate pedicure. Shallow, you say? Sure. You live with Caroline slaving over your tootsies during a monthly visit to the salon....listen to her complain about how you haven't taken care of your feet all winter. finally get motivated and do that - and make the mistake of wearing a pair of sandals in DFW - and get stepped on by an unforgiving size 14 shoe. I weep for my poor little toe. Actually, just for the nail. The toe will be fine. The nail, on the other hand, looks a little ragged.

So, you ask - why the concentration on a tiny toe? Because it is just about the only thing I can control in my life right now - and that control was wrenched from my grasp by a tall stranger wearing what I have to assume were military issue boots, considering the damage inflicted. I did not see it coming....and I was in too much pain to identify the offender's footwear after the fact.

Unfortunate Serendipity.....that's the point in your life where everything comes together in perfect alignment..and yet, you aren't quite ready to enjoy it because you are waiting for the other shoe (no pun intended) to drop........