Saturday, November 06, 2004


I am a summer girl. I like nothing more than 95-degree weather...putting the top down on my convertible..and hitting the road. God bless sunburned noses and excellent driving music.

So, this 'changing of the seasons' thing is really not working for me. Forty-four flippin' degrees? Huh-uh, no way. My toes start shivering if it drops below seventy-five. This chica does not like being cold. Period. End of discussion.

Okay - so there are some good things about the weather being roaring fires in the fireplace, cuddling up with The Special Someone and enjoying a relaxing evening. Hold on.....what is this? What do you mean I have no Special Someone? Darn...I knew I was missing part of that equation. Even more reason to dislike the cold weather.

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