Monday, November 01, 2004

Remember those protecting us today...

Just a quick note to say "Hello" and "Thank You" to those servicemen and servicewomen across the world tonight.

I have a number of good friends in the military - scattered to the four winds.

To Eric, in England....I still have your copy of Amadeus. Sue me. Just kidding. I promise to mail it to you, as soon as I get your address. Hope you're having fun pulling European trim. It was fun running around this summer in my convertible, listening to good radio.

To Bob in friend. Thanks for the words of encouragement. You're a blast!

To Jeremy, also playing in the world's largest little 'metro'. You were a great friend back in Abilene. Sorry about it being so tough for us to hang out....but thanks for helping rescue the felines, buddy. Get your butt home, soon. We need a Pier 1 trip......Tuscan Herb candles. Joe's Pizza and Pasta. Sounds like a plan to me.

There are many more friends....and I will address each in turn!

So...for those of you comfortable and safe in your homes tonight....say a little prayer for people like my friends here, who protect you day and night.

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