Monday, November 15, 2004


I would have to say that Sunday afternoon and evening could be classified as 'a good time was had by all'.

Late lunch at Hooters with Ben and Mike and Tonya. It was pretty cold, and drizzling outside...but that didn't stop me from having tons of iced tea. I was one cold little person by the the time we all headed out. It's time to retire the flip-flops. Darn it....and they are sooooo comfortable.

Headed to the store with Ben, picking up the items necessary to make some homemade fudge. I don't know what it is about this weather....but I get the irresistable urge to 'nest' and cook.....totally turn into a domestic goddess. Laundry meets its match, I light spiced-scented candles and I get serious about kitchen-related tasks.

I finally operated my dishwasher for the first time on Sunday. Or, I should say....I turned it on and then ran for cover. It sounded like it was about to achieve escape velocity and shoot upwards, never to be seen again. Gotta love appliances in apartment complexes. Hope my neighbors weren't planning on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Anyway - I made some pretty darn good fudge. I took it to work today - and it was all gone within a couple of hours. I was chewed out by a few of the women...for bringing something chocolate to the office. Seems we all have that kind of chocolate craving...we can't pass it up.

Ben made turtle brownies. I am liking this neighbor thing. It's nice to show up at a neighbor's door to borrow the proverbial 'cup of sugar'. In our case, Ben needed vegetable oil...and I needed unsalted butter.

Went to see 'After the Sunset' last night with Ben, Mike, Tonya and Joe. I wasn't expecting much out of the movie. I was pleasantly surprised because I did have such low expectations. It was actually ok. Two and a half stars on the Freeman Review. There were some funny one-liners....and the obligatory two men in a bed scene. I can't say that I am a Pierce Brosnan fan....he's getting old - and furry. Not my style. But Woody Harrelson is still cute in a mischievous way. And - the boys sure do like Selma Hayek.

Ok...I am through rambling. I am thinking tonight is the perfect night to break in the fireplace. I am off to get some flammable material!

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