Saturday, December 18, 2004


Congrats to Chris (the 'son' my mother is glad she never bestest guy friend in Abilene) and Emily (the sweetest, most wonderful woman...and the best thing to ever happen to Chris) on the birth of Ezekiel Christopher on Wednesday, December 15th.

I had been calling Chris every couple of days....and upon answering his phone, all I would say is, 'Baby?' which he would sigh and reply, "Not yet.....doc says any day now." I didn't get all the dish, 'cause Chris was sleep-deprived and slightly giddy.........

Seems Zeke decided to take his sweet time and cause his momma some discomfort...but he's here and we're all thrilled! Blessings to the new little family......and I am sure that Bella and Cameron (the dogs) will adjust just fine!

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