Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Why must I go through three Mondays this week? I think God owes me a couple of Saturdays for the week I have been having.

Let's see....I went back to Abilene on Sunday (left Ft. Worth at 6:30am on Sunday, to be exact) to pack up the remainder of my large furniture so that it could be hauled here to the DFW area in a UHaul moving truck.

(Note to self: NEVER make moving arrangements with friends...and never let them take your furniture with promises to have it delivered 'that afternoon'. My dining room chairs are scratched and nicked horribly...and my friends aren't the least bit concerned. I am upset. Wait...let me rephrase that...I am UPSET. I just bought that furniture less than a year ago. Somehow it made it through two moves with me with NO blemishes...but the one time I entrust it to arrives looking like I picked it up secondhand at a Goodwill store. Plus - my friend is put out with me....all because he didn't plan ahead. Long story, no use in rehashing it. I just know that next time the words 'professional movers' will be in my vocabulary. At least you can expect them to take care of your furniture - - or to at least carry insurance to cover damage they cause.)

Anyway. That was Sunday.......but it felt like a Monday.

Monday can simply be labeled one of the top five bad days I have ever had in my life. It ranks right up there. The divorce became final at 9:30am. I sat in a courtroom, with only a judge, a bailiff and a court reporter. I felt so abandoned and ashamed.....not a part of the establishment....and not really wanting to be there or to be going through the machinations of the divorce machine. I cried. Yes...on the stand, I cried. I just wanted out of there so badly. Why were there so many questions? I didn't want to answer questions....I just wanted someone to stamp the pieces of paper and let me get on with my life. My ex-husband couldn't be bothered to show up, or take care of any of it. It's sad...the person who truly wanted the divorce couldn't screw up the courage or take any responsibility for getting it done.

But it is done.

And, today is shaping up to be yet another Monday.....

Now I am back in the DFW area, starting to lay out the pieces of my life.....trying to fit them here and there, to find some semblance....some meaning. I am looking at a 1,000 piece puzzle with no picture for a guide, and trying to find which notch matches which groove. isn't a rectangular border that I can work within......

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