Thursday, August 26, 2004

'Piss off a Democrat....Work Hard and Be Happy'

I saw the quote above on a bumper sticker, while spending the weekend in Austin with a liberal ex-friend of mine. (Why 'ex' you ask? Believe me, you don't want to know. It just about takes an act of God to make me banish someone from my life....but this person took the cake).

Anyway, is anyone else tired of the liberal leftist whining? It's not even remotely amusing any longer. It used to be that I could muster the occasional giggle at an out-and-out rant.....but,'s getting pathetic. EVEN from my avowed liberal friends! Hopefully, the 'Demon-crats' (or 'Demon-brats' as they are affectionately known around my household) can muster up some more entertainment. That's what they are there for - - (Yes, slam me, call me whatever you want. If you don't like what I say...start your own darn blog.)

Just remember....The Road to Hell is Paved with Democrats.

Much love and chocolate!

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