Friday, September 17, 2004

It's 'HOOKAH', buddy....not hooker.

Well...once again, I should be whipped mercilessly for not updating during the week. But, this has been a wild week.

My little sister came into town on Saturday....and wanted a 'Dallas Experience'. (Come on....we're from West Texas.....and just driving on 75 is a 'Dallas Experience').

Of course, we had to start out with a visit to Hooters. She loves the fried pickles. She and I and Ben and Kevin spent some time there, watching the Longhorns (gag) play and just enjoying the camraderie. Then, the real fun began.....

We left Hooters in Irving and drove up to The Velvet Hookah in Addison. All I can say is......I am going to decorate my bedroom so that it resembles that place. Talk about relaxation and comfort. Kick your shoes off...sit on soft cushions ont he floor. Enjoy the (very) dim lights and the scents...

The DJ was awesome...spinning across genres. The bellydancer there was pretty cool, too. Um, well...yeah...except for the sword....I kept waiting for someone to get an accidental laceration. I heard that she used to dance with fire...but one member of our group stated that they took that away from her because she almost burned down the joint. (I noticed quite a few telltale scorch-marks on the floor).

Needless to say, I loved that place...we stayed until a little after 1am...then we all hit Denny's and had breakfast. And Tonya rocks for helping that precious drunk girl (HI MICHELLE!!!).

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