Monday, October 04, 2004

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Well, my move is finally done! I decided to settle in Irving. It satisfied my basic requirements for housing, which were - in order of importance:

  1. Proximity to a Chipotle or Freebirds (I got the Chipotle....there are more of them around than Freebirds...though Freebirds will always be my favorite).
  2. Commute of under 30 minutes. My old commute was about an hour and twenty minutes on a GOOD morning.....and I can make it to work from my new place in under 30 minutes...even in the monsoon we had this morning.
  3. Big neighbor boy to scare away the baddies....(HI Ben). Ok, not to scare away the baddies...but to keep me company when I decide I have had enough solitary reflection.

My apartment is in a different building than Ben's...but we can both walk out on our patios and converse, if we speak pretty loudly. Plus - it's nice to know there is someone there you know. On the other hand, we both have had to agree to be careful of one another's need for space. (As I write this, I laugh because it makes us sound like some old married couple....and we are just buddies..nothing more. Now - we can have knock-down, drag out fights....but we're pretty much Mutt and and Jeri. And, yes....we have considered being 'Ben and Jerry' for Halloween.)

Speaking of Halloween.....I still have to cement my costume idea. It looks as though the party is a pirate-themed festivity. Darn it...I don't even look marginally attractive as a wench. I was truly hoping to get it all together to be Medusa, finally. The little rubber snakes woven through my hair....all that jazz. Somehow don't think it will mesh with the pirate thing. Guess I will just go and dress as a pirate. But, there is a part of me who likes to take a theme and run with it in the weirdest direction.....Pirate....Captain Hook.....Peter Pan....The Lost Boys, Tink, Wendy....yeah...I'll be Wendy. That way people just THINK I didn't get the theme......ha ha.

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