Sunday, April 17, 2005

I'm feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday Night.....

Saturday was a miasma of lethargy, interrupted by brief moments of pure energy.

The dogs went to the vet. Both of them. At the same time. At Banfield - which is inside PETSMART. They were way too into exploring. Now I know how a mom feels with two toddlers inside Toys R Us.

I am still fighting back the urge to request social security numbers for my dogs and claim 'em on my tax returns as dependents - - for how much their vet care set me back.

Vet Tech: "Miss Freeman, the initial visit today, plus testing and vaccines, will be approximately $318.00 for each of the dogs."

Me: "Can't you just charge by the pound?"

Vet Tech: "Will that be cash, check or charge?"

(Some people just have no sense of humor.)

Luckily, I thought ahead and enrolled them in a pet-wellness program, that covers examinations, phone consultations, vaccines, etc etc. So....what could have been a coronary-inducing event was rendered unnecessary - and I am almost over the heart palpitations. I still dropped over $250.00 at the vet alone...on set-up fees and the first month's premium. Still, I was thinking that bearing children couldn't be much more expensive....

Then, of course, we had to go play in the pet utopia that is PETSMART. We have matching collars now (the dogs...not me....I am not into collars), color-coordinated leashes, a new self-waterer, a really really nice stainless steel food dish, new treats and a huge stuffed camel. You heard me. I let 'em pick out a toy - - and they went ape over this hilarious stuffed camel with really long legs that rattle. Diva grabs one leg....Topher latches onto another....and Toph gets transported rather rudely across the floor. Add on various and sundry other puppy related stuff...and I walked out of there an additional $200.00 lighter in the wallet area.

A nap was in the plans.....I got the heathen children settled at home, promised Blue Vertigo I'd give him a call around 5:00, and I said goodbye to the world. Until the phone rang. I was grumpy - - it was Blue Vertigo. Seems I had slept through my 5:00pm wake-up....and it was closing in on 7:30pm. I felt like a heel.

I wasn't feeling up to a big night out, so we had a low-key evening in, just hanging out.

Here's my recipe for the perfect Saturday night:
  • Good Company
  • A couple of Freebirds burritos
  • 'SpaceBalls'
  • and, then at 2:00am 'The Three Amigos'

I know it sounds like I was a bump on a log. I am not ashamed of it. I told Blue Vertigo that I was feeling a little depressed - and I don't know why. I have no reason to be depressed. I think the evening in did me quite a bit of good....because I didn't have to put on the "happy Unfortunate Serendipity' mentality and be charming. Instead, I curled up on the couch, inhaled a Freebirds burrito, and belched and acted like a four year old. Yep, that's me.


Anonymous said...

You could be my perfect date. Just remember, before you run off to the convent you owe to yourself!


Love ya


Linds said...


You're a gem! Thanks for pimpin' out the shoes!

I spoil my "nephew" and "niece" the way you spoil your dogs. Well, not with chew-toys anymore, they've kinda outgrown that. Usually I'm hauled dragging my heels towards the Disney store to purchase a Finding Nemo stuffed denizen of the deep that talks. Five year olds have a remarkably strong grip. I'm such a sucker for a cute face and a pout. I should never have children.

Coincidentally enough, I inhaled a Steamrollers (I'm guessin' the same as Freebirds. Giant, and deeeeelish) Burrito this evening as well. Weird.