Saturday, April 09, 2005

Godiva is my favorite kind of chocolate.

....and, for that favorite lab, too.

She's gorgeous. I wish I could get a good pic of her...but she chooses a Tasmanian-devilish existence. All pics I get are but a mocha-blur across the screen. Ah, well....maybe we are a little camera-shy.

She's still stand-offish with people. My complex has an (over)abundance of children and pre-teens who are in love with my dogs. Little Diva has yet to grow accustomed to them, as a whole.

If only one or two are about, she will cavort with them, rocking back on her haunches and pouncing with gleeful puppy abandon, punctuated with a shrill little bark and some playful growling.

Once the group increases to three or four, though, she becomes momma's baby again. She races back to me and peers suspiciously from behind my ankles...her tail beating a rhythm alternating between excitement and uncertainty.

I don't mind her playing with the older ones. I do worry about the toddlers here - who pull her ears and poke unsuspecting fingers into her eyes and mouth. Diva is precious and sweet, however she is still an eight-week old puppy - and as such, I fear she might nip at one she considers an annoyance. (I, personally, consider just about every one of them a pain.)

We just got back inside from an extended playtime out in the grass. Both acted like the puppies they truly one another and tripping over their little uncoordinated selves. It truly is one of the best forms of entertainment.

Diva is actually learning to sit on command. Maybe I am just imagining it. But, I would like to think she's got a few brain cells. I know she is from hunting stock. She noses around outside until she catches a scent that interests her....then BAM! she goes into classic pointing pose. It's hilarious to see this rotund ball of fluff clumsily trying to point. Maybe I can try to get her to scent out a good place for her 'brother' to go potty...OUTSIDE of my house.

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