Monday, April 11, 2005

Operation 'Kick Greg Kendall-Ball Out of the Country'

Ok...not really.

GKB and his wife are wonderful, wonderful people who are undertaking a survey trip to Rwanda this summer. They are smart, very dedicated individuals wishing to make God's work their work outside the US. GKB can see the light at the end of the educational institution tunnel...and he and the Missus are heart and soul devoted to God's work.

Drop in on him here and consider either:
  • Donating what you can through the Paypal account set up on his site
  • Passing along Greg's request to your Church family
  • Praying for the success of this endeavor

I can personally vouch for GKB and his absolute saint of a wife (what else could she be, living with a self-proclaimed 'Pudding Afficionado').

All kidding aside, I want to see these two realize their dream - and I urge you all to help out in any way possible - - Rwanda needs the Kendall-Balls.

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