Monday, April 25, 2005

Who's Gonna Drive You Home.......?

The drive home to visit the parental units was pretty dreadful. I have had a lot on my mind, with mom having been sick and dad so worried about the things we are working on. I practically chewed my fingernails off on the way home and during the course of the weekend.

By the time I headed back on Sunday - it was 5pm. Ugh. Four hours in the car - with two puppies. They actually behaved, a little.

It was so nice to make it home, though. To walk back into my apartment (which has been designated a disaster area - - it's so messy)...well, that wasn't fun.

I don't know what it is about the drive - - but I dread it. Thank goodness for good music. I relaxed to some Explosions in the Sky....and bounced along to some Elvis T. Busboy. Then I hit Kean 105 territory and turned back into a country-music lovin' West Texas's inevitable.

Spent some time with Blue Vertigo on Sunday night. Didn't have the energy to do much - - he popped a movie into his DVD player and we promptly ignored it as we talked through our weekends and discussed the drama that had ensued while he was ensconced here in the metroplex and while I was tooling around West Texas. I just haven't felt up to going out.

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