Saturday, April 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to My Little Sister

I have to stop saying 'My Baby Sister'...because she hates that. I can't find a simple pic of her alone. Loser, she hates pics almost as much as I do.

So, here is one of her, August 12, 2000. She's on the far left. Yup. That was my wedding. The other chicas in the pic are (left to right):

  • My best friend Laura
  • My cousin Amy
  • My dear little Ms. Kaylee - the flowergirl.
Ok...'nuff with the wedding stuff. I hated how I looked, except for the great tan. I think I am aging well.


And, yes, if you must know...she's 25, college-educated and owns her own business, boys.


tom said...

I am...I just...I don't know what to say. You made a stunning bride. You are an amazing beauty.

Linds said...

Why you hated how you looked, eludes me. (Since you're absolutely stunningly pretty! Silly goose! Get that through your noggin! Self deprecation isn't necessary, or needed, when you're that gorgeous.)

I can definitely see the familial resemblance in you and your sister. It's in the smile and the cuteness of your faces.