Friday, April 29, 2005

Take Me...I'm Yours........

If you will buy me tickets to this concert and take me to it that night.

Two for the Price of One

Last night was the Bruce Springsteen show at Nokia Theatre in Grand Prairie.


That's about all I can say - since I am still letting the performance sink in. Now, remember, I have NEVER before seen Bruce live......with or without the E Street Band. Needless to say, I am thrilled I got to see him solo first.

Just to let you see what transpired....I have included his setlist:

Reason to Believe (great beginning - keeping the beat and emphasis by stomping his foot...the purposeful distortion of the bluesy-sounding song made it difficult to understand every word)
Devils and Dust
Lonesome Day
Long Time Comin
Silver Palomino
For You
Two Faces
Part Man, Part Monkey
Galveston Bay
Maria's Bed
Real World (he took this request straight from a guy in the audience)
My Hometown (my favorite Bruce song...backed only by a piano last, I got chills)
The Rising (I actually liked this version better than his original)
Further On
Jesus Was an Only Son
The Hitter
Matamoros Banks
Oklahoma Hills (with Jimmy LaFave, singer/songwriter from Austin)
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
My Best Was Never Good Enough
The Promised Land

As you can see, it was a great set. I kept looking over at Blue Vertigo to see if he was enjoying himself. I figured, as much as Blue Vertigo plays, he would have an appreciation for the way Bruce plays guitar....but I didn't know just how much. His eyes were usually glued to The Boss or to one of the two large monitors when they focused in on Bruce's hands. He was picking apart the chords and hand placement.....intent on every sound emanating from the guitar. I know he was...I could see the little gears turning in his mind. *shakes head* Guitar players. Sheesh.

We had excellent seats, in the second section, second row...slightly right of center stage. If you didn't already know - - I won them. I didn't know Bruce was coming to play until the day I called in.....and I was pretty excited to win.......because I definitely couldn't have gotten seats this good by begging and pleading for help from the online ticket-vending giants at

Not only was the concert GREAT....but we got a small, unexpected bonus. After we got settled in our seats....and Blue Vertigo began 'people watching'......a man walked up to the railing directly in front of us (directly=approximately three and a half to four feet from my living, breathing body).
I glanced...did a double-take.....and then proceded to stare with the most idiotic grin. I kept whispering to Blue Vertigo, "'s (insert name of individual in question here)."
Blue Vertigo was oblivious to me....watching everything else around us.
About 30 seconds later, he looks at me and says, 'Hey, that guy kinda looks like (insert name of individual in question here)."

To which I roll my eyes and emphatically state, "It IS (insert name of individual in question here)."

The mystery man?


Yup. I got to grin like the fool ol' girl I am at that man for about four minutes as he carried on a very animated conversation with the guy sitting next to us, culminating with Pat doing little devil horns on either side of his head while discussing what I can only guess would be his behavior later in the evening. I was dumbfounded. I am kicking myself today. Big surprise. I did nothing more than smile and nod a hello at the man.

Unfortunate Serendipity is a wuss. And shy. Thank you very much.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Incredibly Tired Unfortunate Serendipity

Poor Blue Vertigo has got to be fed up with me.

TWO nights in a row I have tried to sit down and watch 'The Incredibles' with him...and have fallen fast asleep. Don't get me wrong - - - the movie is adorable. But when the urge to sleep strikes, I am powerless.

I think I am a closet narcoleptic. And poor Blue Vertigo has been stuck watching that thing over and over...with me making only fifteen minutes of it one night...and less than an hour the next. He'll be quoting the entire movie for me, word for word, by the time I can finish the darn thing.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Devils and Dust

Thursday night, I will be at NOKIA Theatre at Grand Prairie to experience Bruce Springsteen's solo acoustic tour.

Yeah - I'm pretty excited.

Who's Gonna Drive You Home.......?

The drive home to visit the parental units was pretty dreadful. I have had a lot on my mind, with mom having been sick and dad so worried about the things we are working on. I practically chewed my fingernails off on the way home and during the course of the weekend.

By the time I headed back on Sunday - it was 5pm. Ugh. Four hours in the car - with two puppies. They actually behaved, a little.

It was so nice to make it home, though. To walk back into my apartment (which has been designated a disaster area - - it's so messy)...well, that wasn't fun.

I don't know what it is about the drive - - but I dread it. Thank goodness for good music. I relaxed to some Explosions in the Sky....and bounced along to some Elvis T. Busboy. Then I hit Kean 105 territory and turned back into a country-music lovin' West Texas's inevitable.

Spent some time with Blue Vertigo on Sunday night. Didn't have the energy to do much - - he popped a movie into his DVD player and we promptly ignored it as we talked through our weekends and discussed the drama that had ensued while he was ensconced here in the metroplex and while I was tooling around West Texas. I just haven't felt up to going out.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

'To see a world in a grain of sand, And heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.'
First published by Rossetti in Gilchrist's Life of William Blake (1863)
-William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

These arrived in my office today - - and I was taken by surprise. Enthralled and uplifted by the beauty of these flowers, my day was WONDERFUL.

Seems Blue Vertigo wanted to surprise me, and surprise me he did. I am sure he will forgive me stealing his quote....for I feel it fits here.

Forgive the bad hair day - and just enjoy the pics!


A gorgeous addition to my desk - much prettier than the files it replaced.

A beautiful closeup of a stargazer lily from the of Blue Vertigo's personal favorite flowers.

I was having a good day. I was expecting a surprise - - Blue Vertigo had warned me about that. But, honestly - I was expecting my surprise to be Blue Vertigo. He had made mention of trying to take a long lunch at some point to come see me. Today, though, Murphy's law went into overdrive in his life. Poor Blue Vertigo. So, I reasoned, no lunch with him today. I was a little disappointed, but was hopeful his day would improve.

I was in the warehouse, procuring my drink of choice (Diet Coke), when the Office Manager for the Dallas Branch asked me, 'Is it your birthday?' I turned to see a delivery person holding this huge, gorgeous arrangement. I was rendered completely speechless.....which, for me, is totally unheard of (just ask anyone who knows me).

I carried them back to my desk and stared in amazement. I couldn't even concentrate on work for the longest time, as I absorbed the fragrance and the color.

Stargazer lilies, roses, carnations and bells of Ireland......the combination was enough to put me into sensory overload. I think Blue Vertigo had that in mind. Wonderful boy.....wonderful, wonderful boy.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I'm feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday Night.....

Saturday was a miasma of lethargy, interrupted by brief moments of pure energy.

The dogs went to the vet. Both of them. At the same time. At Banfield - which is inside PETSMART. They were way too into exploring. Now I know how a mom feels with two toddlers inside Toys R Us.

I am still fighting back the urge to request social security numbers for my dogs and claim 'em on my tax returns as dependents - - for how much their vet care set me back.

Vet Tech: "Miss Freeman, the initial visit today, plus testing and vaccines, will be approximately $318.00 for each of the dogs."

Me: "Can't you just charge by the pound?"

Vet Tech: "Will that be cash, check or charge?"

(Some people just have no sense of humor.)

Luckily, I thought ahead and enrolled them in a pet-wellness program, that covers examinations, phone consultations, vaccines, etc etc. So....what could have been a coronary-inducing event was rendered unnecessary - and I am almost over the heart palpitations. I still dropped over $250.00 at the vet alone...on set-up fees and the first month's premium. Still, I was thinking that bearing children couldn't be much more expensive....

Then, of course, we had to go play in the pet utopia that is PETSMART. We have matching collars now (the dogs...not me....I am not into collars), color-coordinated leashes, a new self-waterer, a really really nice stainless steel food dish, new treats and a huge stuffed camel. You heard me. I let 'em pick out a toy - - and they went ape over this hilarious stuffed camel with really long legs that rattle. Diva grabs one leg....Topher latches onto another....and Toph gets transported rather rudely across the floor. Add on various and sundry other puppy related stuff...and I walked out of there an additional $200.00 lighter in the wallet area.

A nap was in the plans.....I got the heathen children settled at home, promised Blue Vertigo I'd give him a call around 5:00, and I said goodbye to the world. Until the phone rang. I was grumpy - - it was Blue Vertigo. Seems I had slept through my 5:00pm wake-up....and it was closing in on 7:30pm. I felt like a heel.

I wasn't feeling up to a big night out, so we had a low-key evening in, just hanging out.

Here's my recipe for the perfect Saturday night:
  • Good Company
  • A couple of Freebirds burritos
  • 'SpaceBalls'
  • and, then at 2:00am 'The Three Amigos'

I know it sounds like I was a bump on a log. I am not ashamed of it. I told Blue Vertigo that I was feeling a little depressed - and I don't know why. I have no reason to be depressed. I think the evening in did me quite a bit of good....because I didn't have to put on the "happy Unfortunate Serendipity' mentality and be charming. Instead, I curled up on the couch, inhaled a Freebirds burrito, and belched and acted like a four year old. Yep, that's me.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Oh, Joaquin

For those of you who are wondering what 'undisclosed treatment center' Joaquin Phoenix checked himself into two weeks you go:

It's my house.

No calls, please. And, definitely no visitors. We're working on his issues together.

Villa d'Freeman Treatment Program will be issuing press releases as news is warranted.

My 8 1/2 week old.....16lb 'baby'

She's definitely a momma's girl. Diva and Topher and I went up to Addison to play at Blue Vertigo's house. While there, his buddies J and N showed up with their beagle, Bailey. Diva wasn't too sure about the beagle...she preferred to stay in my lap. I hate to break it to her...but in a couple of months, she's gonna have to relinquish the 'lapdog' title.

After this pic above was taken, she settled in and fell asleep - flat on her back...right in my lap. It was adorable....except for my leg falling asleep under her weight. I kept fussing with her, thinking she'd wake dice. That dog was out.

Above is Diva playing couch Goddess. I think she was watching Blue Vertigo and Topher play on the floor......

And, finally, above is a pic of my traitor-dog....she's getting some Blue Vertigo love. He's nicknamed her 'Ghetto-booty'.....and based on the size of her posterior, the moniker is warranted. Poor little Toph is stuck with the nickname 'Red-butt'....and it fits on a number of levels, including attitudinal ones. I have now dubbed them 'The Mocha Wonder' and the 'Cinnamon Flash'.

So - at least I finally have multiple pics of both of my babies on here. Just be glad I don't have a human child.

KK's Getting Married!!!!!!!!!

KK's getting married.

She's a dear, sweet friend who functioned as my assistant while I was imprisoned in the Correctional Unit in Abilene - - and she is getting married!!!!!!
(Take the first letter of each of the bolded words and rearrange them to get my former place of employment. And, just kidding about what I call it....I think. Work there for five years, then let me know what you think! haha)

Anyway - blessings to her, lucky little girl. You should see the size of the rock she's sporting. Now, I know that size isn't everything...but diamonds are a girl's best friend. Plus, she's been waiting for this one for a while. She is the most patient and well-grounded person I know. She never got into the 'gotta get married' mentality that turns most women into pathetic shrews.
Her honey just happened to fall under her spell...naturally!!!!

She is the bomb. And I adore her.

Congrats KK.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Supposedly, Blue Vertigo called me last night. I say 'supposedly' because I don't recall the conversation. But, Blue Vertigo's number shows up on the caller ID and is backed up further by the 'Duration' column reading 00:03:00.

Do I recall any of this three minute conversation? Nyet. Blue Vertigo's mum on the topic of conversation. He said was pretty out of it.

Honestly, I have always been aware of my inability to wake up and actually hold a phone conversation.....If you ever need sensitive or personal data about me - all you have to do is pick up the phone and call me in the middle of the night.

Want my Social Security Number? You got it. My credit card numbers, expiration dates and cute little three digit security codes? They're all yours. How about my bank account number? Bingo, buddy. Unbeknownst to 'me' my subconscious will do anything to get rid of an interruption. Plus, I think the 'filter' between my mind and my mouth has a curfew....somewhere around midnight, it seems.

So, Blue Vertigo...if I gave you my bank account number.....will you just run by and make a deposit? The balance is looking a little anemic today.

Monday, April 11, 2005

My two favorite men on earth - - my nephews!

They came into town yesterday with my sis and and their mom...and we just had to take them to Hooters. Bad Aunt that I am, I got them Hooters shirts and Hooters giftcards for Christmas.

It was soooooo worth it to see them blush at the fuss the girls made over them!

Operation 'Kick Greg Kendall-Ball Out of the Country'

Ok...not really.

GKB and his wife are wonderful, wonderful people who are undertaking a survey trip to Rwanda this summer. They are smart, very dedicated individuals wishing to make God's work their work outside the US. GKB can see the light at the end of the educational institution tunnel...and he and the Missus are heart and soul devoted to God's work.

Drop in on him here and consider either:
  • Donating what you can through the Paypal account set up on his site
  • Passing along Greg's request to your Church family
  • Praying for the success of this endeavor

I can personally vouch for GKB and his absolute saint of a wife (what else could she be, living with a self-proclaimed 'Pudding Afficionado').

All kidding aside, I want to see these two realize their dream - and I urge you all to help out in any way possible - - Rwanda needs the Kendall-Balls.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to My Little Sister

I have to stop saying 'My Baby Sister'...because she hates that. I can't find a simple pic of her alone. Loser, she hates pics almost as much as I do.

So, here is one of her, August 12, 2000. She's on the far left. Yup. That was my wedding. The other chicas in the pic are (left to right):

  • My best friend Laura
  • My cousin Amy
  • My dear little Ms. Kaylee - the flowergirl.
Ok...'nuff with the wedding stuff. I hated how I looked, except for the great tan. I think I am aging well.


And, yes, if you must know...she's 25, college-educated and owns her own business, boys.

Godiva is my favorite kind of chocolate.

....and, for that favorite lab, too.

She's gorgeous. I wish I could get a good pic of her...but she chooses a Tasmanian-devilish existence. All pics I get are but a mocha-blur across the screen. Ah, well....maybe we are a little camera-shy.

She's still stand-offish with people. My complex has an (over)abundance of children and pre-teens who are in love with my dogs. Little Diva has yet to grow accustomed to them, as a whole.

If only one or two are about, she will cavort with them, rocking back on her haunches and pouncing with gleeful puppy abandon, punctuated with a shrill little bark and some playful growling.

Once the group increases to three or four, though, she becomes momma's baby again. She races back to me and peers suspiciously from behind my ankles...her tail beating a rhythm alternating between excitement and uncertainty.

I don't mind her playing with the older ones. I do worry about the toddlers here - who pull her ears and poke unsuspecting fingers into her eyes and mouth. Diva is precious and sweet, however she is still an eight-week old puppy - and as such, I fear she might nip at one she considers an annoyance. (I, personally, consider just about every one of them a pain.)

We just got back inside from an extended playtime out in the grass. Both acted like the puppies they truly one another and tripping over their little uncoordinated selves. It truly is one of the best forms of entertainment.

Diva is actually learning to sit on command. Maybe I am just imagining it. But, I would like to think she's got a few brain cells. I know she is from hunting stock. She noses around outside until she catches a scent that interests her....then BAM! she goes into classic pointing pose. It's hilarious to see this rotund ball of fluff clumsily trying to point. Maybe I can try to get her to scent out a good place for her 'brother' to go potty...OUTSIDE of my house.

Friday, April 08, 2005

100 Things....(part III)

51. My favorite drink is Diet Coke. Drink the last one in the fridge and die, buddy.

52. I love squeezing lemon into my Dr. Pepper.

53. I have an affinity for big, clunky rings.

54. I hate makeup.

55. My eyesight is horrendous. Enough so that I am going to shell out the massive bucks to have wave-front guided custom lasik in August.

56. I love shoes. LOVE. Especially cute strappy sandals with little kitten heels.

57. My first word was 'Da da'.

58. My second word? 'Chocolate'.

59. My favorite book is.......nah, I can't pick one.

60. I have always wanted to learn to play guitar.

61. My father and mother are my heroes.

62. I love Bob the Tomato from VeggieTales.

63. Freebirds is my heroin.

64. I am addicted to candles from the Tyler Candle Company. Especially the 'Diva'...'Paris' and 'High Maintenance' fragrances.

65. Only one candle ever burns in my bedroom, though. 'Tuscan Herb' by Pier 1.

66. I collect Americana inspired decor - - but it makes me feel all kitschy and stuff.

67. I own a cowboy hat.

68. I refuse to own a pair of cowboy boots.

69. My best friend on earth is Laura - and I am so sad I had to leave her behind in Abilene.

70. I am, and forever will be, addicted to 'Friends'.

71. I like to quote from famous (and obscure) movies at inappropriate times.

72. I have a heck of a temper (duh).

73. I would do anything for my friends.

74. I am the speeding, fender-bender princess of Irving, Texas.

75. Don't tell the Irving PD...they already have it out for me.

One vehicle down.......

I may have sold my car.

Which one, you ask? Why, my Sebring.
To my baby sister.

And, happy birthday to my baby sis tomorrow - she'll be 25! And she says, "I don't WANT to be half of 50!"

My reply? SHUDDUP. Big sis here is almost 30. I don't want to hear it from the cute blonde little sis that she is upset over hitting the quarter-century mark.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

100 things.....(part II)

26. My favorite color is sage green.

27. My favorite activity is sleeping....

28. .... followed closely by reading.

29. My favorite movie is actually a tie - between The Princess Bride and Very Bad Things. What can I say? I am a study in contradictions.

30. I worked in Congress in Washington D.C. for a summer when I was 17.

31. I am in love with Jeremy Piven,

32. or Joaquin Phoenix, depending upon my mood.

33. I am extremely close to my family. I talk to either my mom or my dad every day.

34. I have two nephews - demon children whom I adore.

35. I want a niece very very very very very badly.

36. I have been trying to bribe my siblings by promising my diamond engagement ring to the first one to give me a niece.

37. I am painfully shy - believe it or not.

38. I am horribly self-conscious.

39. I have an addiction to old Marilyn Monroe films.

40. My goal is to attend law school and mediate employee law and labor relations issues.

41. I am a hopeless romantic.

42. I am not sure if I will ever marry again. Or even if I want to marry again.

43. My idea of a perfect evening is cooking dinner for my friends and watching a ridiculous movie.

44. I want to take another vacation to Seattle.

45. I have naturally curly hair. Very, very curly.

46. I have a white 2004 Chrysler Sebring LXi convertible.

47. I also have a pewter colored 2002 Chevy Avalanche Z66.

48. I need to sell one - I just can't decide which one.

49. My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was four.

50. I took it up again two years ago, and my first project was a blanket I made and gave to my grandmother that Christmas. It was one of my proudest moments as a grandchild.

Jesus Loves Me

....this I know.......

....otherwise, how could I have gotten these adorable Guess by Marciano red satin sandals with a 2" heel and an adorable flat bow....

for $6.41?

Oh, eBay - how I adore you.

On the way to San Angelo last weekend to pick up the new puppy, my numero uno canine baby was feeling especially insecure. He cried in the kennel cage...he cried on the passenger seat. He cried, cried cried and cried some more.

I finally pulled him into my lap...and ten minutes later, he had worked his way into this position and had settled into the slumber of the righteous (or at least he thinks he is righteous...I think he is a heathen).

Let's pray that the new puppy doesn't try this.

100 Things.....(part I)

A large number of my daily reads have the requisite '100 Things' post(s) somewhere on their I am gonna give it a go.

1. My middle name is K. Not Kay, or Kate...or even Katie. It is 'K' single letter of the alphabet.

2. I have an insane fear of heights. No Space Needle or Tower of the Americas for me.

3. Somehow, though, hurtling through the atmosphere in a rollercoaster doesn't bother me.

4. I have two tattoos.

5. I have seven piercings.

6. I have two parents who don't approve of anything in #4 or #5

7. I am divorced

8. I was married for four years and four days

9. I did all my own divorce paperwork and filed it....even though I wasn't the one wanting the divorce in the first place.

10. My ex husband and I are the best of friends now.

11. My high school mascot was the 'Plowboy' lie.

12. I graduated in a class of 31 seniors.

13. My hometown has less than 1,400 residents.

15. I am the original karaoke queen. 1977, eighteen months old, belting out Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life" while standing in a high chair clutching a spoon.

16. I have a brother who is only 11 months and 29 days younger than me. We're the 'same age' for two days.

17. I have another brother and a sister, also. All younger than me.

18. We are 29 (me), 28, 26 and 25.

19. I don't want children of my own.

20. I am the proud 'mother' of two puppies.

21. I am not a good disciplinarian - my puppies run the house.

22. I could live off of salads from Texas Land and Cattle and The Olive Garden.

23. As long as I had dark chocolate covered espresso beans to go along with it all.

24. My favorite perfume is L'eau d'Issey by Issey Miyake. Feel free to purchase a bottle for me at your convenience.....I'll even link to it for you

25. My favorite men's cologne is Dolce & Gabbana for men. Feel free to introduce me to a cute man wearing that at any time. I'll melt. It's rather humorous to watch.

Ok...that's the first quarter ..... I will percolate on the next 25 tidbits and get back to you, my little chicks.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Mentally Exhausting

Why is it that I cannot seem to press the 'Pause' button in my mind? Have I just not found it yet? Does it not exist? Somewhere, deep in a crevice, there has to be a synapsis that can be stilled.......a current that can be short-circuited - if only for a moment or two. Surely, in a world blessed with Tivo and DVRs.....someone must have discovered the section of the frontal lobe that controls one's analytical thoughts.

I have been struggling with reconciling my mind and heart on a number of matters recently - what truly resonates with me? Sometimes I know....and sometimes I feel like I am wading through layers of gauze....I can make out faint outlines but can't discern the substance. It's the frustration that gnaws at me....grinding away at my peace of mind and making me question my thoughts and decisions from only moments before.

This isn't meant to be a downer post - - please don't think I am wallowing in depression. That's far from the truth. Just lots of decisions weighing heavily on my already busy mind. I have often said that my life is a huge set of shelves with hundreds of tiny boxes....I must compartmentalize - - and when I need to work on something, I pull that box down and dump out all the minutae contained within. I sort through it, organize it; I discard the immaterial and outdated...and add the important and urgent, tasking myself to completely solve all puzzles and riddles facing me. Then, and only then, can that box be placed high up on the shelf.......and another box pulled.

I 'lose' control when I feel that too many boxes need attention...when some fall off of the shelf and clatter on the floor, spilling their contents across the vast expanse of my consciousness. Every forlorn box on the floor only heightens my awareness that I must spend some time re-evaluating people, places and things.

So, here I sit, doing a mental makeover and wondering just how much I can discard without feeling bereft.....and pondering why I can't seem to just sweep it all under a rug and simply avoid it, like so many others seem capable of doing. I guess I just can't leave things unspoken - though my gut instinct tells me I am opening myself up for future pain. I can't leave things undone, because I thrive on accomplishment - it feeds my insatiable inner demons. And, as evidenced by this post...I can't leave things unthought of, either.

Monday, April 04, 2005


First, I was gonna be down in the Rio Grande Valley for two days....then I wasn't.

I didn't really consider how much effort it is to find suitable lodging for two hyperactive canines while out of town. Especially for a very new one...and a housetraining-challenged one.

Luckily - Blue Vertigo has offered his services in housetraining the Spawn of Satan known as Topher. I still don't know if I am gonna take him up on that offer. I'd kinda rather that Blue Vertigo continue to talk to me.

Godiva has definitely come out of her shell. Whereas yesterday, she was content to be cuddled and she is a rampaging ball of mocha-hued intensity. She and Topher are my little 'Mutt & Jeff'. They're adorable together. It will be even more adorable once he hits his gargantuan final weight of about 9lbs...which will be about one-tenth of the size of Godiva. Can you say 'Napoleon Complex'? Ol' Toph has it in spades.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Operation Puppy Retrieval

(Thanks to Blue Vertigo for the title)

Left Dallas at 5am on Saturday morning (I know, I know...long story - - I was on 'PopeWatch' - - couldn't tear myself away from the TV for updates...and was procrastinating because I didn't want to get in the car and drive for hours) and made it to Abilene at 8am.

Left Abilene at 9am..made it to San Angelo at 10:15, picked up Godiva, and made it back to Abilene by 11:45. Introduced the newest member of the Freeman petting zoo to Chrissy and Chris.

Napped from 2pm to 7pm - then hung out with Chrissy, Kara and a handful of 'the girls'. Oh...and about 40 C-130 pilots and crewmen from Dyess. I got a funny shirt out of it. I just blurted out to one of them, Andy, 'I want your shirt!' He obliged. Heh.....when you've got've got it., probably not so much...but he did hand over the shirt. I will post a pic of it later. Great fun - - Dyess airmen all out wearing shirts that were made especially for the occasion - the 'Abilene Under Siege - Death March 2005'. Ironic, because the Pope passed away....

Anyway - that event is still weighing on my mind. He was the only Pope I actually ever can remember. My worldview, while it developed early, was still in its infancy back in 1978.

Todd met the puppies...and he and I got to talk for a while.

Sleep again...then back to Dallas.

Cleaning - and bonding with Godiva...who, at seven weeks, is almost 15 lbs. Good gosh, I am really in for it now.

Friday, April 01, 2005