Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Now THIS is why I love DFW.....

Bright and early this morning, I found myself shopping at Ann Taylor. EARLY - - as in 7:30 - - that is A.M., people. This coming from the girl who cherishes every moment of sleep she can get, and squeezes an additional six minutes of sleep in after slamming the snooze button on the alarm. Then six more minutes of precious slumber after a second battle with the snooze button....and while at it, yet another six minutes......ad nauseum. You get the picture.

But this morning's opportunity was too good to pass up. Being in HR has its perks - as in vendors who make sure to deliver the swag around holiday time. Said vendor (who shall remain nameless) arranged for Ann Taylor to open early for a group of HR professionals. Special thanks to Ann Taylor for the 15% discount on my purchases and to the vendor for caffeine and the additional inducement to shop (in the form of gift cards.......show me the money, baby!).

I went in, firmly repeating the following statement in my serious voice, "I will NOT purchase anything.....I WILL not purchase anything....I WILL NOT purchase anything.....I will not purchase ANYTHING."

I did not purchase ANYTHING. (Ok, I did buy things...but not just ANYTHING. But that is how I am rationalizing my shopping spree. Well, not spree.....just a minor shopping spurt.)

I was drawn to one outfit and orbited around it......a stunning hand-knit, hip-length ivory cashmere turtleneck with a pair of gorgeous ivory pants. The outfit was topped off with a beautiful winter white cashmere/wool blend overcoat. A beautiful ivory cashmere wrap was draped over the shoulders, held in place with an eye-catching gold and pearl brooch. A jaunty angora hat added the final, perfect touch.

I did the math in my head quickly - trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. I had to take a moment to compose myself so that I did not fall over in a dead faint. Ready? Try $818.00...and that is before tax.

Oh, well. I guess I can always be proud of the fashion sense I do have. Some consolation prize, huh? There was no way I was going to drop that kind of money on an immaculate outfit that would inevitably get dirty within 60 seconds of me putting it on for the first time. (Deep sigh)

I did well for myself, though. My initial pick was a knee-length navy boucle skirt....cute and professional. Then I saw the matching jacket. I couldn't take one home and leave the other to languish....and I just couldn't make myself buy both. So - the skirt went back on the rack.

Next thing I seriously considered was a black angora wrap sweater. But, in the end.....I didn't like the length and realized that I would have to wear something beneath it unless I was willing to show off more of my assets than I am comfortable displaying. (The infamous black top I bought a couple of weeks ago has been retired for that very reason - so if you didn't see it on it's one memorable night out - then you're outta luck.)

Well, I did fall in love with an ivory v-neck angora sweater....absolutely beautiful. It was whispering to me...softly at first. Then it got pretty darn insistent. It WAS going to come home with me.

Then I heard the call of a beautiful scarf.....an off-white wool blend with grey satin ribbon fringe. It practically jumped off the table into my hands and curled itself securely around the sweater. I have to say, it was quite ingenious in doing so - - it knew it belonged there.

As I was heading towards the register....I heard a tiny whimper from the shoe rack. I had to go over there. Anyone who knows me well is aware of my desire to ensure that every pair of shoes on earth finds a loving family. I am proud to declare that I support shoe adoption.....today was no exception. An adorable pair of black mules with a tiny 2 1/2 inch heel followed me to the register.

The damage? The sweater was only $80.00........the scarf was originally $100.00, but on sale for $50.....and the shoes? I am so proud of them. They had an original price of $100.00, but proudly presented themselves with a $30.00 price tag.

Add in my two $25 gift cards....and the $280.00 'shopping spurt' set me back less than $100!!! Yay! Happy Early Birthday to me!

Happy Turkey Day

What? It's November 30th? Oh, yeah...guess so. Thanksgiving was last week - and I escaped the world of technology and went back to the farm. Wow...that sounds so country.

I went home...to mom, dad, my sibs....etc. But, we don't have 'Thanksgiving' in the traditional sense. We have a catering business...so Thanksgiving was a whirlwind of activity....we catered dinner for one of the college football teams.....it's been a tradition for us since my little brother played for them. These kids, after making the playoffs, can't leave and go home for the holiday. So, we bring the holiday to them. Traditional turkey and dressing...the whole nine yards. It's fun......these kids love it. And, in the past few years, some parents have made the decision to sacrifice their traditional Thanksgiving dinner and travel to be with their children.......and we love having them there.

I finally got to my grandparent's house at about 3pm. Celebrated Thanksgiving with my them and spent time with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Then, at 5pm, I made it to my home. And had a late dinner with my sibs and their assorted significant others and my nephews. And we celebrated our birthdays. Yes, I said 'birthdays'. My two brothers and I all have birthdays within one week of each other. So, we had a little birthday party all together. I wasn't expecting it, really...but it was fun.

My mom gets major points...got me a cute pair of jeans with a flirty pearl and satin belt and a gorgeous pink scoop-necked sweater trimmed with rabbit fur (sorry PETA).

My little sis gave me the most gorgeous sheer silk beaded poncho. Gorgeous - it goes great with jeans...can't wait to wear it out. Always love getting pretty new clothes!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Don't need nothin' but a good time

Last night was fun. Really - it was. And props to my friends and I because we did something fun that actually benefitted a good cause.

Last night, at the Resistol Arena in Mesquite, we attended the 3rd Annual Guns and Hoses Boxing Tournament, benefitting the Guns and Hoses Foundation - which helps support a number of worthy charities in the metroplex, as well as the creation of a benevolent fund for the families of police officers and firefighters killed while in the line of duty.

We were a part of the SMU Police Department group. Yeah, I know I don't work for them and have no affiliation with them...but I have friends who work there - - Patty and Wendy. Their chief bought box tickets and they asked if we wanted to attend with them.

It was quite fun. Very entertaining. I could have done without the Coyote Ugly girls dancing in the ring between bouts....but that's just me. Especially since a couple of them had limited rhythm to begin with. I can pinpoint the reasons for their inclusion in the squad - blond, boobs and booty. That sums it up. By far, the most talented and most attractive one (according to both my buddy and I) was a dark haired one named 'Jonesy'. The girl actually had some curves on her - and some moves - - as well as more personality than the other four put together. So, thumbs up to Jonesy....the only one I liked.

The boxing was interesting. I had never been to a boxing tournament (I am not counting the frequent bouts that occurred between my sibs and I growing up) and I was curious to see if I was actually going to enjoy it. On TV, it doesn't appeal to me. Live, though? Yeah...watching boxing live is actually fun.

All fighters were amateurs, and members of the fire or police departments in cities around the metroplex. There were some good fights (the Dallas PD rookie who gave a serious beat down to a poor firefighter - - drew blood almost instantly - - and had the match called in his favor at the beginning of the second round because his opponent was pretty incoherent by that point) to the match we dubbed 'Butterbean 1 vs Butterbean 2'. The only match I didn't like was their 'title' match between a 56 year old police officer and a 66 year old retired firefighter turned actor. The 66 year old seemed to turn his ankle at the beginning and went down numerous times. I wanted the 56 year old police officer to call off -- but he didn't.

Anyway - afterwards, eleven of us went to Ozona and had a late dinner (late...as in midnight) and sat around and shot the breeze. The only thing I hate about hitting a place like that late on a Saturday night is the drunks who obviously need to be at home, but who insist on remaining in public. One intoxicated idiot was throwing chairs over on the far side of the patio - then came over to where we were and and started giving crap to a guy at a table behind ours. Next thing you know, the drunk had a bloody nose, the waitstaff were out trying to diffuse a highly tense situation and a girl was screaming that she was 'calling the cops'. he he he Funny, ya know - since half of our table carry badges and some carry weapons (at last count, no one sans badge is in possession of a firearm).

Well, I must wrap up now. Need to get some laundry done. Went shopping for jeans - walked in and bought the same style and size I always do - - - only to get home and find that they're too loose. Nice problem to have - so gonna try to shrink 'em!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I mean....I always wanted to be a princess....

But.... TWO CROWNS? (of the dental type.....)

Yes, I am the proud recipient of two crowns....temporary ones. I have to wait until December 7 to get the permanent ones. I was not prepared for how badly my mouth hurt.....and I woke up this morning after a fitful hour of sleep and realized I was in more pain than I was the day before.

So, today was my first sick day....five months on the job....I was wanting to make it a full year with no sick days. But I couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain in my mouth. Some medication...and I slept all day long. I woke up at 6pm. Mouth still hurts, but not as badly.

I am awake now...and cooking a turkey. I know it is not Thanksgiving yet. But I am finally a little hungry - - and I want turkey. So, there is a 16lb turkey in my oven, browning to perfection. I am gonna take it to work. It's the least I can do after abandoning them today.

Monday, November 15, 2004


I would have to say that Sunday afternoon and evening could be classified as 'a good time was had by all'.

Late lunch at Hooters with Ben and Mike and Tonya. It was pretty cold, and drizzling outside...but that didn't stop me from having tons of iced tea. I was one cold little person by the the time we all headed out. It's time to retire the flip-flops. Darn it....and they are sooooo comfortable.

Headed to the store with Ben, picking up the items necessary to make some homemade fudge. I don't know what it is about this weather....but I get the irresistable urge to 'nest' and cook.....totally turn into a domestic goddess. Laundry meets its match, I light spiced-scented candles and I get serious about kitchen-related tasks.

I finally operated my dishwasher for the first time on Sunday. Or, I should say....I turned it on and then ran for cover. It sounded like it was about to achieve escape velocity and shoot upwards, never to be seen again. Gotta love appliances in apartment complexes. Hope my neighbors weren't planning on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Anyway - I made some pretty darn good fudge. I took it to work today - and it was all gone within a couple of hours. I was chewed out by a few of the women...for bringing something chocolate to the office. Seems we all have that kind of chocolate craving...we can't pass it up.

Ben made turtle brownies. I am liking this neighbor thing. It's nice to show up at a neighbor's door to borrow the proverbial 'cup of sugar'. In our case, Ben needed vegetable oil...and I needed unsalted butter.

Went to see 'After the Sunset' last night with Ben, Mike, Tonya and Joe. I wasn't expecting much out of the movie. I was pleasantly surprised because I did have such low expectations. It was actually ok. Two and a half stars on the Freeman Review. There were some funny one-liners....and the obligatory two men in a bed scene. I can't say that I am a Pierce Brosnan fan....he's getting old - and furry. Not my style. But Woody Harrelson is still cute in a mischievous way. And - the boys sure do like Selma Hayek.

Ok...I am through rambling. I am thinking tonight is the perfect night to break in the fireplace. I am off to get some flammable material!

Saturday, November 06, 2004


I am a summer girl. I like nothing more than 95-degree weather...putting the top down on my convertible..and hitting the road. God bless sunburned noses and excellent driving music.

So, this 'changing of the seasons' thing is really not working for me. Forty-four flippin' degrees? Huh-uh, no way. My toes start shivering if it drops below seventy-five. This chica does not like being cold. Period. End of discussion.

Okay - so there are some good things about the weather being cold.....like roaring fires in the fireplace, cuddling up with The Special Someone and enjoying a relaxing evening. Hold on.....what is this? What do you mean I have no Special Someone? Darn...I knew I was missing part of that equation. Even more reason to dislike the cold weather.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Remember those protecting us today...

Just a quick note to say "Hello" and "Thank You" to those servicemen and servicewomen across the world tonight.

I have a number of good friends in the military - scattered to the four winds.

To Eric, in England....I still have your copy of Amadeus. Sue me. Just kidding. I promise to mail it to you, as soon as I get your address. Hope you're having fun pulling European trim. It was fun running around this summer in my convertible, listening to good radio.

To Bob in Iraq...new friend. Thanks for the words of encouragement. You're a blast!

To Jeremy, also playing in the world's largest sandbox...my little 'metro'. You were a great friend back in Abilene. Sorry about it being so tough for us to hang out....but thanks for helping rescue the felines, buddy. Get your butt home, soon. We need a Pier 1 trip......Tuscan Herb candles. Joe's Pizza and Pasta. Sounds like a plan to me.

There are many more friends....and I will address each in turn!

So...for those of you comfortable and safe in your homes tonight....say a little prayer for people like my friends here, who protect you day and night.

If you're from Bangs....I don't like you any longer

Ok....I gave my convertible to my mother. That's common knowledge now. Well...mom let my 24 year old sister take it to Brownwood, where my brother lives.

Ok....my brother coaches for Early. Early played Bangs. Big rivalry.

The casualty? My Sebring. Yeah...my sister parked it in front of my brother's house. So, it was the target of idiots out egging.

How did I find out? I called my sis to catch up on Saturday...and she asked in a really meek little voice, 'Have you talked to mom or dad yet?'

'No,' I responded.

'Well, don't freak out......' she warned me.......(don't freak out? Don't Freak Out? FREAK OUT? ME? WHAT? FREAK? ME FREAK OUT?!?!?!?!?)

After prodding her for a couple of minutes...she relayed the egging incident...but quickly added, 'We got it all cleaned up.'

Then a really terrifying thought occurred to me......'Um, you didn't....please tell me that you...' I couldn't bring myself to even ask.

'Yeah, ' she responded. 'I left the top down.'

YOU LEFT THE TOP DOWN? Ok......thank goodness the filter between my mind and mouth was in good working order..otherwise Sister Feud IV would have been in full swing. But, still......the interior of my convertible was egged...as was the exterior.

I calmed down gradually...and even managed NOT to cry. I am a little bit proud of that.
It looks like the car will be ok....it has been detailed...and hopefully there will be no ongoing issues or problems due to the incident.

Oh, but if you're from Bangs.....and you have been egging recently....you might want to watch out for one seriously upset woman in a Chevy Avalanche. You've been warned.