Sunday, February 06, 2005

Feline Fixation

I am intent on turning the temporary roommate's cat against him. It's a devious ploy. He's since gotten his own place...but the feline will be residing with me for an additional period of time. I just hope it is enough to implement my 'fall in love with aunt Jeri' plan.

So far, it's been going gangbusters. She's got a 'foot love' thing going on. She'll inch up to where your foot is resting on the carpet, then give it a gentle nudge with her head. If there is not an immediate response, then she gives a follow-up nudge. A HARD nudge, as if she is reminding you that yes, indeed, she is not a piece of furniture and she wants attention NOW. NOW. Yes, NOW.

If you still refuse to respond, she will bestow upon you a look of total and complete disdain - as in 'how can you be so dense?'.....and she'll then reach a paw out and playfully tap the bottom of your foot, to ensure it is awake and ready to respond.

At that point, with the foot ticklin', you can't keep still. And, you realize that if you don't move ahead with the kitty love, you will be the recipient of incessant foot tickling until you DO give the kitty love.

Amazingly - when she moved in, she only stayed in her carrier for a few hours, then began to explore the house. She has a fixation with the closet - most likely because she could probably get lost in the mounds of clothing all over the place. She also likes her 'under the bed' hiding place....though how she has managed to make it under and back out without being attacked by the monsters under the bed (YES, THEY DO EXIST) boggles me.

She's actually warmed up to me...and will hop up on the couch when I am watching TV or working. She's even managed to propel her bulk (all eighteen pounds of it) up onto the bed with me and enjoyed a few chapters of a Clive Cussler book. Well, I enjoyed the book..she enjoyed a back rub. I would have preferred a back rub myself...but she's not that talented.

Now that we have her 'dad' firmly ensconsed in his new casa a nice little distance away...I can concentrate on making her like me more. Somehow, I think it is a losing effort...but I'm gonna try.

Gotta go - more Superbowl commericals. head asplode.

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