Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Can anyone remind me why I wanted a puppy?

I am exhausted. Exhausted.....in the 'I can hardly move, there are massive bags under my eyes, I have a pounding headache' way.

Whatever could have caused this? Try a teeny-tiny, two pound fur-covered bundle of energy.

Mom and Dad came through yesterday, bringing Topher to me. Topher, of course, is a seven-week-old miniature dachshund puppy. Or, I that's what I have been told. I personally think he's a demon-infested dervish of the highest order. Cute as a button....but cute doesn't help ya sleep at night. Especially not him.

Mom and Dad had my room...and my comfy bed. So that left me with the living room couch. I don't care what Zen says....I do not enjoy sleeping on the couch. Part of it might have been the puppy - which chose to use me as a jungle-gym and chew-toy. Between midnight and 5:45am....I probably got a cumulative total of FIFTEEN minutes of sleep. FIFTEEN. He played...he cried...he wanted down...he wanted up. We went outside to do his business....he drank water...and we went outside AGAIN...and AGAIN to do his business. He gnawed on my fingers....tugged on my hair....bit my ears and scratched my neck. (Wow...in any other context..that would have sounded like a good date. J/K)

Anyway....5:45 this morning, I marched into my bedroom, walked across to the bed, and dropped that two-pound canine right between my parents, who were sound asleep.

You know what that dog did? He conked out, right then and there...up against my mom. "Hmmm..." I'm thinking, "Could it be because he's played all freakin' night?!?!?!?!"

That's it...when I get home....he and I are gonna spend two hours playing outside. I am gonna run that flop-eared thing ragged.

WOW....aren't ya'll all glad I am not a mother?

1 comment:

tom said...

Are you crate training?