Sunday, March 06, 2005

Grocery Stores.....

I HATE grocery shopping on my own. It is a chore when I have to brave the aisles...the woman with four kids hanging off of the sides of the basket....the man who is oblivious to everything and walks into you no matter how many evasive actions you take to avoid him......

You know how it goes. Tonight was no exception. I have been feeling slightly lethargic all day long. Of course, none of it can be traced back to staying up way too late singing 'Johnson Grass Farm' and various and sundry other Elvis T. Busboy songs at the show last night. Nope. That has no bearing on it....or at least none that I will admit.

The show was fun. It was a great show down in Deep Ellum Blues. Good friends.....Zen, the Wired Monkey, TM, and one half of 'Wooke' (great name for them, Wired Monkey!) all gathered to relax and enjoy one another's company. I love my friends. All of them. And their quirks. Heaven knows...they put up with mine.

Today was fun, a very slow way....Brunch at Ozona with Zen and Her Royal Fabulousness , except I kept zoning out. I am sure Her Royal Fabulousness thought I was taking valium or some other narcotic..Zen already knew I was useless today. I was just tired, had gotten some bad news the night before and was thinking of things I needed to get done when I got back, my apologies to those two. They deserved more of my attention.

Anyway...I was supposed to go up to Addison for sushi tonight..but my tummy gave me a stern lecture this afternoon. I am not much on fish...cooked or otherwise....and I want to make sure my first true sushi experience (I don't count trying it back in 1993 in D.C.) is a good one.

So, I took some medicine and tried to sleep it off. That did not work. I went to the fridge and opened it and faced that scene right out of 'Ghostbusters'.....remember that one? Sigourney Weaver's character opens her fridge and is confronted with a demon calling 'Zuul'. You can now find that fridge in Irving, Texas. Drop me a line and I will give you directions. With your paid admission you can also listen while I run my has delusions of grandeur and thinks it is a space rocket.

I decided to finish clearing out the fridge. It looked a little sad..and bare. So, off to Kroger for me. Along with the basics (diet coke being a necessity)...I decided I was going to go 'lazy' for the next couple of weeks. I stocked up on pre-packaged dinners. Fifteen Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice meals later I was out of there. (yippee! I got a free 12-pack of Yoplait yogurt. Wait. I don't eat yogurt. I can't stand the stuff. I am willing to donate it to a needy friend - - holler if you want it.)

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