Sunday, May 08, 2005

Do you ever get to that point?

Yes, as I type this...I am watching the time creep closer to three in the morning.

Blue Vertigo and I are sitting at my dining room table....laptops creating a shoulder high barrier that we glance over from time to time.

I am working on conversion data for my payroll system, and Blue Vertigo is working on homework...something about 'Ten Days with Diaper Rash'......(the aforementioned 'Diaper Rash' being a fictional name for a band......with which he is planning a fictional independent tour.....etc etc. as a class assignment).

We're both working hard to get things done. It doesn't help that my wireless web has had some 'connectivity' issues. I had to call Zen over to help us out. I won't go into details....but his declaration of the problem consisted of, 'That m*(#$%#$^$%^&$% piece of C*$(*#^(*#^$(@*#" .....but ultimately ended with Zen being crowned King Geek once again.

Blue Vertigo hates my guts right now. From what I can gather - - - he's not as much of a fan of flip-flop shopping as I had hoped.

At 9:00am, Blue Vertigo and I were conquering the monetary abyss that is Wal-Mart. I needed some necessities...including Diet Coke, baby oil gel (have to have smooth skin this summer) and 25 watt light bulbs (no thanks to Vic...who kept promising to supply some for me.)

Of course, we happen upon the flip-flop aisle. I want flip-flops. No, I NEED flip-flops.

Correction, We ARE NOT walking out of the store until BOTH Blue Vertigo and I have flip-flops.

(As an aside, ladies....I am pretty sure Blue Vertigo is now searching for a new girlfriend. Applications will be accepted over at his blog.)

I got a cute little pair of plain blue ones.....and Blue Vertigo (the risk-taker he is) ended up with a pair that looked exactly like the pair he wore into the store. Ponder that, my chickadees. Does he have a fear of the unknown? The inability to try something new? Does he have an unnatural attraction to that particular style? Is it an issue from childhood? I think I need to talk to his mother about this flip-flop issue.

Well....ladies and is 2:58.....I am gonna get back to work...and Blue Vertigo is, too. Otherwise, he has to stop mooching off of my wireless connection and go home!


tom said...

I once took a friend shopping for flip-flops and licked her big toe in the store. I purchased a pair of sequined pinkish flip-flops (not for me) at Nordstroms this weekend. They were cute. For myself I purchased a very comfortable pair of flops made by Reef at Nordstroms. They are green and yellow and have bottle openers on the bottom of each.

I am sure that your blue vertigo would see the benefot of having a bottle opener on the bottom of your flop.

OneCoolMonkey said...

Flip flops are handy, but not high up on the Guy Shopping Priority list. In fact, I think they fall right behind the aforementioned 25 watt lightbulbs. Been a while since I shopped for those.

On the otherhand, they do make a fun sound when you walk. So, wheee.