Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I don't often blog about anything to do with work...but this is just too hilarious to pass up.

Today, a coworker in a management position came into my office and casually mentioned that one of our employees (in another location) was rather upset with me because said employee had called me three weeks before and I had never returned that person's call.

I was rather puzzled. I am pretty good at returning calls - - even if it takes me a day to get around to all of them. I went back through my mind, searched the recesses of my brain, and came to the conclusion that said employee's message had never gotten to me.

This bugged me, BIG TIME. I hate it if an employee feels like I have 'failed' them in any way. Especially when that employee chooses to voice their disappointment to others instead of taking it up with me.

After my coworker left the office...I picked up the phone and called the employee - - who is located at one of our branches in another part of the state. The employee came to the phone.....and I explained that I had heard that the employee was upset with me for not returning the call. I stated that I had simply not gotten a message and wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help the employee out.

The answer?

"Yeah...I called.....but I didn't feel like leaving a message."

I love my employees - - but my phone doesn't have a caller ID log...and, however talented I may be in many areas of my life...mind-reading is not one of my gifts.

You can't win for losing.

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