Monday, May 09, 2005

The (un)timely demise of the DSG

The DSG has pretty much disbanded. Not that there was every much cohesion within the group. But, one must still mark the passing of an era.

The DSG (Divorce Support Group) headquarters was on Beltline Road in Irving...aka Villa d'Freeman...aka, my house. Membership was three people - myself, The Wired Monkey and Zen.

All had gone through divorces within six months of one another...and all chose to lean on the collective shoulders of the group. Granted, our brand of self-help wasn't exactly life-changing - - mainly good food and sometimes slightly questionable cinematic entertainment.

But, we were there for one another.

Now, however, the DSG has gone the way of the dinosaur and poodle skirts.

People are moving on. The Wired Monkey has found his inspiration in Lamp Lover. After finally meeting her at a quick lunch on Saturday....I can understand why he is so smitten with her. She's great. Very quick wit, and seems strong enough to handle the Monkey. Love you, Monkey - - you know that. The Wired Monkey seems to be the member with the most enthusiastic zest for the pursuit of a new relationship - - - unabashedly going for it. Wish I was that comfortable and secure with my self-worth. He's great to watch.

Zen is in introspective mode. Imagine that. He's not quite ready to make a physical move...but his experience with divorce happened six months after The Wired Monkey's experience....and five months after mine. He's making his his own pace. He's viewing it as a wading pool, I believe. He'll stick a toe in there....test the temperature and observe the ripple effect. If that suits him...then he might splash around in ankle deep water until he's fully comfortable. I am considering buying him a pair of water wings, just in case.

I have begun the tentative steps forward, also. Blue Vertigo has pretty much blown out of the water every expectation, schedule, pre-conceived notion, standard accepted practice, and socially acceptable tradition that I had stubbornly clung to for most of my existence. It's genuinely amazing and terrifying at the same instant. But, he celebrates my 'perfectly flawed' nature and hangs on for dear life during our discussions, which veer and sway like verbal rollercoasters. Plus, we do a darn good job of getting our responsibilities taken care of when we're together. This weekend was quite nice....though most of it was spent conducting business, research, writing and data entry. We both had our tasks to complete...but it was so nice to have some human companionship while getting things done. Scared much? Yes. Enjoying it? More so than I can express. Hopeful about the future? You'd better believe it. We will find ourselves amused by the sheer implausible origins of our new relationship...the 'if I hadn't, then we wouldn't' type conversations. Chance meeting, yes. Very, Very much so.

To bring my tag line back into things - - 'Why must everything come together perfectly at the wrong time?' You just can't choose to time these events. You can only take a deep breath and jump. So far, the ride's been great......and I couldn't ask for more.

So, cheers and goodbye to the DSG....we're making our way back into the fray, thanks to good friendship and encouragement...we can all say we're glad to leave those tougher times behind.

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