Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Did someone forget to tell Mother Nature it's MAY?

It was 50 degrees when I rolled out of bed this morning. I was not amused. And I feel truly sorry for my Canadian friend Linds. She asked me 'So, what's the weather like down there this time of year?'

Foolishly, I told her, 'Oh, it should be in the low 80s.' I should be flogged senseless for omitting the standard Texas catch-phrase....'but hang around for five'll change'.

Good gosh, let's hope she packed some warm clothes....or can borrow some from Dev.

Right now, I am taking a break from doing actual WORK work, and am letting my mind unwind by blogging and listening to some acoustic Alanis Morissette. More specifically, I am trying to get rid of the 'Head Over Feet' earworm that has been pestering me for about a week now.

A lot of my life is mirroring that 'old' song right now. Been teetering on the edge of something...with fear holding me back. But someone isn't content with leaving it at that. That person is reiterating and reiterating his stance. He is a part of almost every aspect of my life.....he WANTS to be there. Reassurance, reinforcement, realization. And, it's amazing. Wow, it is a little too much for me to go into right now. And, I really don't want to go into it. It's's not for public consumption. There are just some things a girl needs to keep to herself. It's almost like all of it is contained in a fragile globe of iridescence.....thoughts and emotions. I want to protect this feeling as long as I's not as special when you pour everything out for everyone else to see and share. That time will come.

I am being selfish. This contemplation is mine......and his.

1 comment:

Linds said...

I'm Canadian, sugar. Warm clothing is standard packing fare, regardless of destination.