Sunday, September 19, 2004

AV-A-LANCHE.....say it with me one time.... that I am plugged back into the information superhighway (sorry...I decided to forsake technology this weekend and finally clear out the townhouse in Abilene) I shall wax philosophic about my new 'baby'.......the 2002 Chevy Avalanche Z66 I picked up on Friday.

Yes, it shall get a name...but I can't decide if it is male or female.....leaning toward female.....because it is such a HOT vehicle. Love it. Absolutely love it. It is a color called 'Pewter' (aka 'Yay! It's already light brown so when it gets dirty it won't look as dirty as it could look!')

(Yes, I have always named all of my vehicles...starting with the 1989 White 'Baby Retta' Beretta GT...and ending, most recently, with the 2004 Chrysler Sebring LXi convertible...Trixie. I have had Elroy, Penelope, The Demon, the G-Ride, and the Hoopty Car. Wow...I have had quite a few vehicles.)

Yes, I still have the convertible...I am not getting rid of Trixie right now. Still love her toooo much. But, anytime I need to feel tougher than the rest of the world, I am gonna climb into my new baby and drive. My best friend's husband told me that all I needed was a brushguard on the front and I can run over anything that I want.

It felt nice to be back in a pickup.....I mean, I AM a transplanted West Texas farm girl.

I took the truck to Abilene this weekend. Correction. I took it to Eastland....met dad there at the Longhorn/Maverick football game. Jake was coaching....gotta see a couple of his games each season. Dad took the Avalanche from Eastland to Abilene. Dad and I had dinner/breakfast at midnight and he gave my Avalanche back to me. I just love getting into a vehicle after dad has been driving it. It's so cold it is almost arctic. He likes his air conditioning.....I have fond memories of being frozen out on the way home from places as a kid. Nothing like cold fingers and toes to remind you of the good ol' days.

Todd and I spent some time together this weekend...on Saturday night and on Sunday. It is really comforting to know that we can be really close friends. I was afraid that it would be too painful...or awkward.....but we get along much better now that we are divorced. But, he's jealous about my new truck. He reminded me that a scant three years ago he wanted an Avalanche badly, and I annouced they were the ugliest things I have ever seen.'s right.....I thought that way before. But I like 'em now. Especially since I own one. Dad calls it my 'Tonka Truck'...and that is exactly what it is...a big kid's toy. I am in heaven.

So, if you frequent 183 between Ft. Worth and careful...and watch out for me...especially since what I am driving now is three times the size of my convertible. You have been warned!

Friday, September 17, 2004

What Would Jesus Drive?

For MY money - I say he'd drive a Chevy Avalanche. (Just got mine today...whoo hoo!)

It's 'HOOKAH', buddy....not hooker.

Well...once again, I should be whipped mercilessly for not updating during the week. But, this has been a wild week.

My little sister came into town on Saturday....and wanted a 'Dallas Experience'. (Come on....we're from West Texas.....and just driving on 75 is a 'Dallas Experience').

Of course, we had to start out with a visit to Hooters. She loves the fried pickles. She and I and Ben and Kevin spent some time there, watching the Longhorns (gag) play and just enjoying the camraderie. Then, the real fun began.....

We left Hooters in Irving and drove up to The Velvet Hookah in Addison. All I can say is......I am going to decorate my bedroom so that it resembles that place. Talk about relaxation and comfort. Kick your shoes off...sit on soft cushions ont he floor. Enjoy the (very) dim lights and the scents...

The DJ was awesome...spinning across genres. The bellydancer there was pretty cool, too. Um, well...yeah...except for the sword....I kept waiting for someone to get an accidental laceration. I heard that she used to dance with fire...but one member of our group stated that they took that away from her because she almost burned down the joint. (I noticed quite a few telltale scorch-marks on the floor).

Needless to say, I loved that place...we stayed until a little after 1am...then we all hit Denny's and had breakfast. And Tonya rocks for helping that precious drunk girl (HI MICHELLE!!!).

Friday, September 10, 2004

Trying to fit the world inside a picture frame.....

I have been feeling rather nostalgic lately - quite possibly because I am about to (finally!) be done with my move to DFW. I was struck with some overwhelming sadness last weekend when I was in Abilene.....having dinner with my parents, my little sis...and another couple (family friends).

The family friends had driven in from Coppell.....they moved there from my hometown a few years ago. My younger sister is in retail management, and is no longer the annoying little pest she was in the good old days. (I take that back..she still has her moments).

But - in the midst of lively dinner conversation, it struck me that I was seeing all of these people with new eyes. When you see people in and out, every grow comfortable with them....things are broken in. For some strange reason, it hit me that everything has longer am I in the safe, little cocoon that has been my life for the past ten years.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my life...I think. But I am a sentimental girl....I like my memories....and I catalog them in my mind. I take them out and flip through them when I am feeling down, or wistful....or when I am bored...or missing someone.

I was listening to John Mayer the other evening on my way home from a shopping trip with the roommate....and I had him listen to "3X5". I love that song. The lyrics in the bridge actually make a lot of sense:

"Today I finally overcame
trying to fit the world
inside a picture frame"

Pretty interesting verbiage.....I like it. I think I am going to commit to living that way from now on.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004 of the boys

I cannot begin to tell you how much I have missed just being 'one of the boys'.

Wait, you say - - "Aren't you female?"

Why, as a matter of fact, last time I checked, I was...and I am pretty sure - hold on - yep, still a girl. But, I like nothing more than hanging out with the boys. I have always gotten along better with males than I have with females. Chalk it up to being a semi-tomboy growing up. Guys are just more fun to hang out with. My day is not made with four hours of shopping and cucumber sandwiches at a local tearoom. Give me a Cowboys game and a trip to Hooters. I am not as concerned with scheduling a repeat manicure and pedicure.......give me a card game and some locker-room humor. Nothing is better on a Sunday afternoon than cooking chili for a group of guy friends and watching the Cowboys play. Boys are just less complicated. Girls are entirely too competitive for my tastes - who has the better hair, shoes, boyfriend.....guys could not care less. I know that my guy friends don't mind if I just roll out of bed and show up in jeans and a t-shirt, or if I spent two hours primping in front of the mirror. It's all the same to them. And, no it isn't an angle to get a date......these are my 'boys'.....and they don't fall under that type of consideration at any time.

Last night was a perfect example. I met up with Ben and Mike at about 5:30 at Ben's place of business. We shot the breeze, joked around and enjoyed what was turning into a beautiful evening outside. Geoff joined us right around 6:35 or so, and we all piled in Geoff's vehicle for the short ride to The Ballpark.

We had tickets for the Rangers/White Sox game last night. Yes, finally I made it to the Ballpark for an actual game this season, instead of making it up there after the game ended....or just watching the game at home.

We parked quite a distance from the Ballpark, and trudged through the grass, scattering grasshoppers and assorted other insects.....we joked and ribbed one another.....we stared at what is arguably the most beautiful major league park in existence today.

We sat at the top of the second deck, right against the Fox Box, and thoroughly enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells that are inherently a part of a September night in baseball. That little bit of a breeze that carries snippets of conversations from the next section over.....the kids decked out as replicas of their heros below. The stands were not crowded, the fans were enjoying themselves......realizing that the next few weeks will not bring the result they wanted, but still proud of the team they support.

We had a baseball 'virgin' in our midst. I will not disclose his identity, except to say that - for not EVER being to a major league game, he performed very well. Except for when he leaned over and asked, 'Can ya steal first?' I thought he was kidding.....then I realized he was as serious as a heart attack. So, I replied, 'Sure - after the game, if you can get out there before they pull the bags.'

Anyway, it was fun - being one of the boys again. Because, as much as I gripe about men...most of my favorite people on earth just happen to be male. So, viva men! (As long as I don't have to date any of them right now!)