Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So glad the week has come again......

This past weekend was one for the record books. One of those where you are GLAD when the week rolls around again.

I usually like to have a day...or even a portion of a day...in which to rest and relax. A 'recharge' day - a period of time that I devote to clearing my mind and my schedule and simply re-energizing my body and psyche for the coming week.

This weekend was definitely not one of those weekends.

It all started out with David Allen Coe. (Isn't that always how it starts out?) Anyway - I had not seen DAC live in about eight years...not since I was living in Abilene. My boyfriend at the time was dying to see him - - so off we trekked to City Limits in Stephenville to watch him and Robert Earl Keen, Jr. in concert. Needless to say - that was back in the heyday of DAC's 'lack of lucidity' phase - - which was in and of itself, quite a blast to watch.

Well, DAC Round Two was amazing. The man may have mellowed slightly (and I emphasize SLIGHTLY) with age. But he still has his edge. And he has legions of new fans.....especially those he has gained through his work with Kid Rock and Uncle Kracker...not to mention his friendship with the late 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott, formerly of Pantera and Damageplan. DAC even played the guitar made for him by Dimebag. Never thought I'd hear DAC rap - - - but he did. He covered some of his old material - - "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" (though only a brief chorus). I could go on and on......but that was only the beginning of the weekend.

Saturday night was a great follow-up. Styx in concert. I have been hoping for a chance to see them in concert for close to 15 years (Yeah...I see you doing the math. Let me make it easy for you......uh huh, I was 14 when I fell in love with their music.) I finally got the chance on Saturday night. At Billy Bob's, believe it or not! I was caught up in all the good ol' Styx rock. My buddy Mike, who graciously agreed to attend with me, was actually having fun.....I think. I bounced around like a giddy schoolgirl. Yup...they played some 'Mr. Roboto'...at which I burst forth with peals of laughter. I really wanted them to play one specific song - - but I was sad they didn't choose to include it in their playlist. Well - life can't always be perfect. Plus - it's much more of a ballad, and I guess it didn't lend itself to the environment and the crowd that night. (But, they did a fun little a capella version of 'Deep in the Heart of Texas' that had total crowd involvement. That's right - I said 'Deep in the Heart of Texas', sung by Styx. What has the world come to?)

One of the funniest moments of the night was upon arriving at Billy Bob's. Mike and I were about to get out of my truck - and we were joking about the wide 'range' of people coming to see the concert. He made reference to 'That Guy'.....I began to look around the parking lot - - trying to see just who he was looking at. It took him about five minutes to explain that 'That Guy' is a generalization.......'That Guy' is the one who shows up in his original 1970's era vintage Styx t-shirt...a person who lives and breathes the zen that is Styx. I giggled inside all night as I looked for 'That Guy' in the crowd. Um.......maybe I am 'That Girl'.

Sunday found me riding in a Chevy Trailblazer, heading east on I20, with my family. I endured three hours of the following:

Him: 'Slug Bug Yellow' (followed by a pounding on Her left arm and punctuated by Her protest)
Her: 'It doesn't count! It wasn't moving!'
and moments later....
Her: 'PT Cruiser Bruiser Purple!' (emphasized with a punch to His right shoulder)
quickly followed by....
Him: 'Hummer Bummer Black' (with a resounding smack against Her upper arm)

The game quickly progressed to multiple hits based on specific colors, penalties for forgetting to declare the color of said offensive vehicles, etc. You almost wanted to separate the kids....except they weren't kids........

They were my 26-year old brother and my 51-year old mother. I'll take my nephews any day of the week.

My mom, brother, sister and sister-in-law all headed to Bossier City on Sunday to spend a little 'quality family time' gambling. I lost my shirt (well - actually - only about $40) right off the bat...then my tired little butt hit the hotel room and slept. Fitting end to a jam-packed weekend.

Next time, I think I am gonna have to pace myself.

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