Monday, January 17, 2005

Not again......

Ok...this being sick crap is for the birds.

It has to have something to do with being a recent DFW arrival. Maybe my body hasn't acclimated to the allergens and such here. This is, by far, the most I have ever been sick in my entire life.

And we're talking that run-down, scratchy-burning throat....ears hurting....stiff neck and shoulders.....sinus pressure like you're diving underwater type stuff. Those deep, rending coughs that serve only to remind you that you do indeed still have chest and stomach muscles.....and they hate you. abs scream in pain every time a new round of coughing begins...and I feel as though someone has taken to my ribs with a baseball bat.

I lie exhausted, once the coughing fit passes...taking tiny sips of air, for anything larger brings on yet another coughing attack. I groan and then look at the clock, and I thank God if it has been more than fifteen minutes since the last attack. If I can sleep for more than ten minutes....I call it a miracle.

I am groggy, dispirited and just want to put my head down and cry.

But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My doc gave me muchas medication....with strict instructions to stay home and recuperate. (uh...I have to run payroll...I will rest AFTER that is done.)

Anyway....on a GOOD note:

  • Welcome back to the States to both Robert and Jeremy....two of my military friends. Robert's back in the Killeen area and Jeremy is settling in quite nicely back in ol' Abilene.
  • I am THISCLOSE to getting a puppy. Chocolate Lab...female. Need ideas for names, people....otherwise that dog is gonna be stuck with the moniker 'Godiva'.

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