Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Divorce Support Group Meets Here....

Yes, there really is such a thing. And we meet at my casa at 7:00pm on Thursday nights.
Ok - so it isn't as much of a group as it is just me and Ben and Mike, sitting around and watching movies and having dinner together. But, we still have fun.

Tonight Villa d'Freeman will be serving Lasagna (of the Stouffer's variety) and we will be immersing ourselves in the cultural phenomenon known as AVP: Alien vs. Predator. (Yeah, you actually think I get to pick the movie? There are TWO MEN in the group.)

Ben's got the tenure on the divorce thing.....his has been final since mid-July. Mine's been over and done with since August 16th....and Mike's will be final tomorrow. So, tonight is gonna be the last night of 'innocence' for Mike. Can't say that I want to be in his shoes tomorrow. (Mike, hope you're not reading this tonight.)

Still, as much as I hate the thought of anyone going through a divorce, it is a comfort to have friends who have been there/done that...and have the piece of paper to prove it. We all concur that it's difficult to make the conscious switch from calling someone your 'wife' or 'husband'. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.

I still have to stop myself at times from dialing Todd up to share a piece of news. I have literally stopped myself in mid-sentence on a few occasions, saying 'Well, my husband and I......' Wish the judge could flip a switch at the end of the divorce hearing...and make you truly 'divorced'. I still don't feel that way sometimes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Per doctor's orders, I took today off. Well, kinda. Um...well, I did leave work at 2pm. I had to run payroll and take care of things at the office...then I came home to nap and vegetate in my comfy bed, surrounded by my Kleenex mountain and NyQuil river.

Anyway - - - my buddy from Abilene, Chris (proud new papa) has finally started his own personal blog....and through that, I managed to find another blog - from a different member of the Abilene crew, Greg.

I have to tell you - - it's refreshing to get to peek into their lives once again. And it makes me remember what I miss so much about 'home'.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Not again......

Ok...this being sick crap is for the birds.

It has to have something to do with being a recent DFW arrival. Maybe my body hasn't acclimated to the allergens and such here. This is, by far, the most I have ever been sick in my entire life.

And we're talking that run-down, scratchy-burning throat....ears hurting....stiff neck and shoulders.....sinus pressure like you're diving underwater type stuff. Those deep, rending coughs that serve only to remind you that you do indeed still have chest and stomach muscles.....and they hate you. abs scream in pain every time a new round of coughing begins...and I feel as though someone has taken to my ribs with a baseball bat.

I lie exhausted, once the coughing fit passes...taking tiny sips of air, for anything larger brings on yet another coughing attack. I groan and then look at the clock, and I thank God if it has been more than fifteen minutes since the last attack. If I can sleep for more than ten minutes....I call it a miracle.

I am groggy, dispirited and just want to put my head down and cry.

But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My doc gave me muchas medication....with strict instructions to stay home and recuperate. (uh...I have to run payroll...I will rest AFTER that is done.)

Anyway....on a GOOD note:

  • Welcome back to the States to both Robert and Jeremy....two of my military friends. Robert's back in the Killeen area and Jeremy is settling in quite nicely back in ol' Abilene.
  • I am THISCLOSE to getting a puppy. Chocolate Lab...female. Need ideas for names, people....otherwise that dog is gonna be stuck with the moniker 'Godiva'.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The neighbor boy is back......

Yay. Ben's back in Texas....though he's missing out by not being my neighbor boy. At least he's out of the ghetto-ito in Irving...though he took a roundabout way of doing that.......from Irving to way of Key West, Florida. Only Ben.

Well, just about the time I think I feel better, I end up with the grungies again. Scratchy throat, tight chest. Ugh. Yucky. More NyQuil for me!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So glad the week has come again......

This past weekend was one for the record books. One of those where you are GLAD when the week rolls around again.

I usually like to have a day...or even a portion of a which to rest and relax. A 'recharge' day - a period of time that I devote to clearing my mind and my schedule and simply re-energizing my body and psyche for the coming week.

This weekend was definitely not one of those weekends.

It all started out with David Allen Coe. (Isn't that always how it starts out?) Anyway - I had not seen DAC live in about eight years...not since I was living in Abilene. My boyfriend at the time was dying to see him - - so off we trekked to City Limits in Stephenville to watch him and Robert Earl Keen, Jr. in concert. Needless to say - that was back in the heyday of DAC's 'lack of lucidity' phase - - which was in and of itself, quite a blast to watch.

Well, DAC Round Two was amazing. The man may have mellowed slightly (and I emphasize SLIGHTLY) with age. But he still has his edge. And he has legions of new fans.....especially those he has gained through his work with Kid Rock and Uncle Kracker...not to mention his friendship with the late 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott, formerly of Pantera and Damageplan. DAC even played the guitar made for him by Dimebag. Never thought I'd hear DAC rap - - - but he did. He covered some of his old material - - "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" (though only a brief chorus). I could go on and on......but that was only the beginning of the weekend.

Saturday night was a great follow-up. Styx in concert. I have been hoping for a chance to see them in concert for close to 15 years (Yeah...I see you doing the math. Let me make it easy for you......uh huh, I was 14 when I fell in love with their music.) I finally got the chance on Saturday night. At Billy Bob's, believe it or not! I was caught up in all the good ol' Styx rock. My buddy Mike, who graciously agreed to attend with me, was actually having fun.....I think. I bounced around like a giddy schoolgirl. Yup...they played some 'Mr. Roboto' which I burst forth with peals of laughter. I really wanted them to play one specific song - - but I was sad they didn't choose to include it in their playlist. Well - life can't always be perfect. Plus - it's much more of a ballad, and I guess it didn't lend itself to the environment and the crowd that night. (But, they did a fun little a capella version of 'Deep in the Heart of Texas' that had total crowd involvement. That's right - I said 'Deep in the Heart of Texas', sung by Styx. What has the world come to?)

One of the funniest moments of the night was upon arriving at Billy Bob's. Mike and I were about to get out of my truck - and we were joking about the wide 'range' of people coming to see the concert. He made reference to 'That Guy'.....I began to look around the parking lot - - trying to see just who he was looking at. It took him about five minutes to explain that 'That Guy' is a generalization.......'That Guy' is the one who shows up in his original 1970's era vintage Styx t-shirt...a person who lives and breathes the zen that is Styx. I giggled inside all night as I looked for 'That Guy' in the crowd. Um.......maybe I am 'That Girl'.

Sunday found me riding in a Chevy Trailblazer, heading east on I20, with my family. I endured three hours of the following:

Him: 'Slug Bug Yellow' (followed by a pounding on Her left arm and punctuated by Her protest)
Her: 'It doesn't count! It wasn't moving!'
and moments later....
Her: 'PT Cruiser Bruiser Purple!' (emphasized with a punch to His right shoulder)
quickly followed by....
Him: 'Hummer Bummer Black' (with a resounding smack against Her upper arm)

The game quickly progressed to multiple hits based on specific colors, penalties for forgetting to declare the color of said offensive vehicles, etc. You almost wanted to separate the kids....except they weren't kids........

They were my 26-year old brother and my 51-year old mother. I'll take my nephews any day of the week.

My mom, brother, sister and sister-in-law all headed to Bossier City on Sunday to spend a little 'quality family time' gambling. I lost my shirt (well - actually - only about $40) right off the bat...then my tired little butt hit the hotel room and slept. Fitting end to a jam-packed weekend.

Next time, I think I am gonna have to pace myself.

Socks on the Autobahn


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Lip Gloss in Review

OK...told ya I was gonna update you on the lip gloss review.

1. Creme Brulee - the winner and still champ. Resounding positive reviews and endorsements. I have had a number of taste-testers (no kissing, mind you - - just them trying it out of the tube.)

2. Cinnamon Frosting - a solid second. Very shimmery...with copper glints. A little bit spicy and rich. Great for a little more depth.

3. Chocolate Fondue - by far, it's my least favorite. That doesn't mean it isn't awesome...but the scent overpowers the flavor....which is reminiscent of mocha brownies. Extremely rich..almost too rich to wear. Use sparingly...and only in moments of deep chocolate craving (at least four times a day).

Bath and Body Works. Tutti Dolce. Going back to buy the entire Creme Brulee line - - including the perfume and body souffle. Let ya know how that works out.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Yes....I want my paper mortarboard hat and my fake little diploma. I can now post pictures. Don't ask me to edit any html myself, yet. That's like...getting a PhD.

For those of you who have sent messages and is a face to put with the incessant rambling.

Here - headed out to be with my friends on New Year's Eve 2004

Running around and shopping in DFW, December 2004

Relaxing at the townhome in Abilene, April 2004

I shall be learning more...and getting better. Onward and upward, my friends. I expect to graduate from Blogger High sometime this year. Just call me Doogie Howser, MD. Except that I am not an MD.....and I am almost 30. Ok...I am a remedial dope. Take your pick.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2005 to one and all. And, as I heard intimated last night, 'May it sucketh less than 2004'.
Just kidding. This past year has been a banner year for me in many ways. That isn't to say that I haven't had my low points. If you have read this blog - you know I have.

But, I am thankful - I have my families, a great job, unbelievable friends....and Creme Brulee lip gloss.

What else could a girl ask for?