Thursday, December 30, 2004

What I am Listening To At The Moment

Wow. That pretty much describes it for me. I am usually not one who enjoys celebrities who decide they should shove their musical aspirations down our throats.

But, I truly think that RDJ's foray is an exception to the rule. Now, I will NEVER, EVER own a Paris Hilton compilation or anything as absurd as that.........

I urge anyone who hasn't checked it out - - do it now.

I am in LOVE


The object of my affection? Tutti Dolci lip gloss. The Creme Brulee flavor, in fact. The scent is heavenly...and the flavor - - absolutely amazing. I can't put the stuff down - - I tried, I swear. I reach into my purse every ten minutes or so to put it back on.

On top of tasting great - it has some seriously strong mosturizers - some mango butter, etc.

I got mine for Christmas from my little sister. She bought them for me and my sisters-in-law. They got the Sugar Wafer and Angel Food Cake versions.

I am so enamored with them that I went back to Bath and Body Works tonight to buy the three-pack myself. Sadly, they were out of that - - but they had the singles. They had Lemon Meringue...but I am not a Lemon Girl. I decided to live on the edge and buy another Creme Brulee (I know, I know - but I am seriously considering stockpiling the stuff). I bought a Cinnamon Frosting version and a Chocolate Fondue flavor, too. I'll let ya know how those work out.

Wen I got in there - you could have knocked me over with a feather. They have PERFUME in those scents...and honey baths....and - - catch this - - Body Souffles. It took so much willpower for me not to buy everything in Creme Brulee I could find. It's just so decadent. A male buddy of mine got a taste of the Creme Brulee the other night (no you perverts.....I put a little bit of lip gloss from the tube onto his finger)....and he said with the way that tasted...well, I won't go there. Let's just say he's seriously considering the merits of wearing lip gloss....he just can't rationalize it since it would make his lips shiny.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


Congrats to Chris (the 'son' my mother is glad she never bestest guy friend in Abilene) and Emily (the sweetest, most wonderful woman...and the best thing to ever happen to Chris) on the birth of Ezekiel Christopher on Wednesday, December 15th.

I had been calling Chris every couple of days....and upon answering his phone, all I would say is, 'Baby?' which he would sigh and reply, "Not yet.....doc says any day now." I didn't get all the dish, 'cause Chris was sleep-deprived and slightly giddy.........

Seems Zeke decided to take his sweet time and cause his momma some discomfort...but he's here and we're all thrilled! Blessings to the new little family......and I am sure that Bella and Cameron (the dogs) will adjust just fine!

Friday, December 17, 2004

*crickets chirping*

Yeah...that's the sound you are hearing.....sorry I haven't posted in the last two and a half weeks. Apologies galore. Wait, noone reads this thing - so I guess it doesn't matter.

Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in little less than half an hour.......

Wait. Scratch that. I'm back to quoting lines from movies....

Let's see.....

  • I got a year older
  • My sis spent the weekend here
  • I love Rosemary Mint and Eucalyptus linen spray from the Fusion Factory
  • I got sick
  • I got a little better
  • My neighbor boy moved (darn you who is gonna scare away the baddies?)
  • I am taking applications for new neighbor boys/fellow chipotle lovers/fans of sick and twisted comedy
  • I got some Christmas shopping done
  • I didn't get enough shopping done
  • I got my new driver's license in (ugh)
  • I went home and helped cater all last weekend
  • I finished all of the planning for the company holiday luncheon and it was held today

And Jerilyn gazed upon her world and said, "It is Good."

Not really, but I made it through another week.