Monday, February 07, 2005

Why Blog if You Can't Blog About What You Want?

That's it. I am starting a new blog. The uncensored, behind-the-scenes version of Unfortunate Serendipity.

Only problem? I am not giving the address out to anyone. A-N-Y-O-N-E.

This is where I will let the real me emerge - - the place I don't have to worry about 'friend placement' or making sure someone gets a mention.

This is where I will also finally let those little cracks in my psyche show....and I think it will do me good to allow it.

No - this blog is not to get back at people...or to share gossip. It's to force myself to take a good, hard look at that I can seriously gauge whether or not I am making progress....or backsliding.

I have had to examine motives and drives.....and realized a lot of things about myself that I don't like. Scratch that - - things I abhor. Things I do and then regret......things I don't do and then regret.

To the friends....I will still post on Unfortunate Serendipity..probably as much as always.....but, realize - the real me will be posting somewhere else....with no publicity. I have found that Unfortunate Serendipity has helped me along the way - - - but I haven't been truly honest and open. I skim over some things...and skip others I decide I don't want to share with the world. Unfortunate Serendipity has been my fun and entertaining missive to the world. Well, now I won't have that excuse. Sometimes the cruelty of the written word on a page is the wake-up call you need to rise from the ashes and become a different person. I sure hope so - - because I plan on being brutally honest with myself.

1 comment:

OneCoolMonkey said...

why are you only going to be you part-time? maybe that's an unfair question - just wondering why you are telling all of your friends that they're not going to get the truly honest you... Please don't see that as an insult or a "hurt friend" asking the question...I'm just honestly curious what has made you decide this - that there's a side of you to share with strangers and not your friends. Wow...I sound sooooo much like the hurt friend and I VERY much don't mean to sound like's just intriguing. Love you regardless girl - you know that ;).