Monday, October 25, 2004

In your eyes..the light, the your - - - WHAT?

Ok. I love the Peter Gabriel song "In Your Eyes". That's no secret....neither is my intention to marry John Cusack the second he shows up outside my home, raising a boombox above his head, blasting that song for me..................oh, sorry - lost my train of thought there. I'm back now, fully present.

Anyway, was sitting over at Ben's house on Saturday night - - watching the first game of the World Series. I have to admit this - I didn't even show up until the seventh inning. Sorry. I had other things to do...and I am just not a fan of the Red Sox...and definitely not a Cards fan, either. I was cleaning my house. It needed it.

Well....I watched the last two innings at casa de Ben-ha-meanie. At the end of the game, when things were being wrapped up, Ben said, "Hey, do you hear that?" and we all got quiet and turned to the tube. Sure enough. There was my song. At least, the lyrics....and I could somewhat recognize the melody. BUT, there was something seriously wrong with my song. Unless Peter Gabriel has decided to revisit his old standard.

Nope. Turns out it is SR-71. I finally went and downloaded it (legally, thank you very much) and listened to it a few times....trying to see if the new version is simply an acquired taste. Not so much. I tried...I really did. I mean...two rounds of Korn's cover of Cameo's 'Word Up' and I was mouthing the words and bobbing my head while driving down the road (yeah....that was me, I am not too proud to admit it.)

But, no matter how much I try, I can't seem to develop a liking for SR-71's version of 'In Your Eyes'. That's one that I just don't think you CAN improve on.

But, I will have to say this...and I am embarassed to have to admit it. I wasn't familiar with the 'Tessie' tradition until Saturday night. My friends introduced me to the Dropkick Murphys' version that night......and I learned the lore behind it. And, I just rolled on the floor when they started playing it after the game.

Man...I just love the World Series...if only for the entertainment on the fringe.

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