Friday, June 11, 2004

Things are going a frightening way. You know what I mean. Life is a point. Well, except for unemployment (at first by choice, I assure you), an ultra-competitive job market and the annoying chip in my otherwise immaculate pedicure. Shallow, you say? Sure. You live with Caroline slaving over your tootsies during a monthly visit to the salon....listen to her complain about how you haven't taken care of your feet all winter. finally get motivated and do that - and make the mistake of wearing a pair of sandals in DFW - and get stepped on by an unforgiving size 14 shoe. I weep for my poor little toe. Actually, just for the nail. The toe will be fine. The nail, on the other hand, looks a little ragged.

So, you ask - why the concentration on a tiny toe? Because it is just about the only thing I can control in my life right now - and that control was wrenched from my grasp by a tall stranger wearing what I have to assume were military issue boots, considering the damage inflicted. I did not see it coming....and I was in too much pain to identify the offender's footwear after the fact.

Unfortunate Serendipity.....that's the point in your life where everything comes together in perfect alignment..and yet, you aren't quite ready to enjoy it because you are waiting for the other shoe (no pun intended) to drop........